The Story So Far

S14: Serenity Now

Written by The Author | Jan 20, 2024 5:17:40 PM

As the group wakes from their much-needed long rest some awaken more refreshed than others -- Alora with a new light-embellished face tattoo and Mokon with a single level of exhaustion. Unsure of exactly where they are, the crew decides to head upward, into the mountains following a path less traveled in the hopes of finding… well… anyone, anyone that wouldn’t recognize them as the so-called Butchers of Pillory and could help them continue forward… alive. Nom decides now is a great time to hunt (friggin’ Nom), disappearing into the forest. After hours of travel, our adventurers find themselves in a clearing presided over by a large single pillar of stone -- in the trees, muffled voices getting closer. They hide, unsure of who or what approaches. Soon, three pathetic ogres burst into the clearing, one of whom is clearly less healthy than his compatriots rambling about “how this is where she hurt him” and “how he thought she had some treasure”. A light flickers high on the stone outcropping -- movement accompanies. All, but Mokon decide to pursue the light while Mokon daringly leads the none-too-intelligent ogres astray.

Once, upon the ledge, a small familiar Tabaxi holds her side. She apologized for stealing the groups' recompense and asked for their mercy. Fey quickly jumps in to aid, followed by Alora to nurse the nervous Breeze back to health while a brainless and bruised ogre plays his favorite thumb game never the wiser. Glug valiantly arrives with the others realizing bouldering may not be the sport that allows him to shine. Breeze tells the group of a treasure chest she had seen in the area before she was jumped by Thumbelogre below. She also told them of an old man in a cabin that they ABSOLUTELY MUST go visit as it will help them out SO VERY much. All, but Alora take the advice with a quarter grain of salt apparently. 

Time to find a treasure with eyes on the ogre and death awaiting the bumbling oaf if he so much as looks in their direction. He does… and does splendidly die with an arrow from Fey and Breeze. With a little searching, the group finds a lively small chest complete with tongue and teeth. Glug clearly has never had a bad experience at the dentist as he eagerly scoops up the young mimic deftly avoiding its tongue lashing. Once placed on the ground the mimic did not seem vicious or dangerous and instantly bonded with Alora giving her not only its friendship but a very fashionable cloak. Clearly in sync with Mokon’s wants it also regurgitates a pretty sweet shield. In return, Mokon shoves a 3-foot diameter by 4-foot long log into the small shapeshifter… and… he… took… it… all. (Alora turns away, slightly jealous as Glug’s eyes widen in anticipation… oops… sorry… wrong story… I digress) The small being clearly holds more than items… it holds… secrets. Breeze parts ways with the group gracefully rejecting Fey’s offer to come with. Again tells them to GO TO THE OLD MAN’S CABIN. And again, no shits were given except by Alora. The group bickers with a split party vote to go in the potential direction of Therack OR the aforementioned old man’s cabin. Some deception was tried and failed, and many reasons were presented, but eventually, after a long rest, the group gave in to Alora.

True to Breeze's word and the cabin sits high on a plateau overlooking the land below. A single plume of smoke rises from a crudely constructed chimney. In front of the group, a very sinister and unsettling bridge -- the only obstacle that remains. Deadly monsters, questionable gear, and party splitting be damned… something is afoul with this bridge -- or it is just a bridge… which it was… it was just a bridge. After passing the deadly bridge trial… the group approached the cabin. A gentle knock by Alora opens the door to a heart-melting scene of an old man and his donkey cooking a delicious-smelling stew. “Come on in,” says a raspy warn voice, “we’ve been waiting for you.” 

After many questions and answers from Jebediah Crumm and his faithful steed Eukalaylee. Jebediah unleashes a plethora of knowledge on the group including the names Tezlo and Milbin. He also gifts them many useful items for the road ahead. 

What is that road exactly? Hard to say, I’m sure we’ll find out soon enough.