The Story So Far

S18: A Dark Knight

Written by The Author | Jan 20, 2024 5:38:51 PM

Happily weighted down with nuggets of gold and hoping the next cavern is equipped with kittens, the crew ventures forth. Foregoing stealth for speed Mokon marches forward when Fey pushes past with a more stealthy takes the lead. Alora takes notice of a weak mewing coming from an adjacent cavern nearby, taking a well times opportunity to investigate. A thunderous booming continues as the crew takes note of the inhabitants of the newly discovered cavern. At first glance there appear to be only two orcs, a single gnoll, and a small crew of frog-like creatures that they recognize from an earlier decrepit-swamp-tower adventure. The two orc seem to be overseeing the operation while the gnoll is getting his hands dirty, whipping two small frogling forcing them to continually turn a mechanical device. Fey takes her unseen opportunity to bury two blades deep within an unsuspecting whip-wielding gnoll. A short battle ensues -- Nom makes quick work of the orc with her deadly blade while Mokon tests out his new shield, blasting the gnoll into an underwater grave. The second orc, who had seemingly escaped, reappears hurling vials of liquid flame. Glug notices a similar vial resting on a barrel in close proximity to their foe. Hoping to unbalance the orc into the vial for explosive results his magic missiles do not have their intended purpose. following in Glug's footsteps, Fey releases a small ball of flame, starting a chain reaction of explosions ending the orc’s life and structurally readjusting the entrance to the cave. Until this point, the small frog people had continued to work in fear. Now seeing their captors dead they each quietly disappear into the water including the two circling the pumping machine. The mechanical device stops spinning as does the banging stop. The nearby water explodes as a massive fully-enclosed helmet-wearing ogre emerges from the deep. Mokon and Nom answer the battle call attacking the massive creature on sight, while Fey tries a different approach. Noticing two large shackles on the ground, Fey attempts to hinder the creature’s movement. Unfortunately, the attempt falls short and the ogre retaliates with anger. Tired of the land battle Mokon decides to try the team's luck in a more hydrated environment blasting the mound of muscle into the underground river. Nom, wanting to play too, launches herself high into the air finishing the death blow with a well-placed sword to the throat. The ogre's lifeless body returns to the inky black depths. Alora yells to the group signaling she has found Breeze’s litter.

Tired and bloody, the group refocuses centering on Alora. The cavern is filled with cages many empty, but others filled with humanoid kittens, pup-like gnolls, and satchels of mostly broken eggs. Alora holds two of thirteen kittens lifeless -- quick reactions and magic brings one of the Tabaxi cubs back to the land of the living, but the other remains cold to the touch. Glug remembers Breeze had said she had twelve children, yet there are thirteen, once clear of a different litter. Nom opens the gnoll cage allowing them to escape. Fey finds one intact egg and carefully adds it to her belongings. With no time to waste the team heads back the way, they came assuming foes are still on the prowl if they exit the cavern to the south. As they leave Mokon notices a scroll resting on a crate which reads “We need to increase output -- he is getting annoyed. -- Huther”. Not recognizing the name Huther, the team leaves the caverns to the north, making their way back to Breeze and Hatch. On the way out, they notice eyes poking up from the dank waters. Nom feels the smallest of pebbles bounce off the back of her head. She grabs the biggest rock she can find to crush her assailant, but Glug intervenes with wise words to diffuse the “clearly an attack”. All but Alora take another break from the feline reunion to spelunk. Following the frog's lead, the crew finds a watery grave in a hidden cavern where a new ring and weapon are found.

A bittersweet reunion ensues between Breeze and her twelve children. She quickly notices a singular black-furred child that was not of her own, but quickly embraces it as if it were. Breeze’s wound bleeds red instead of the dark ichor thanks to Mokon. Hatch stands close by doing his best to protect the beaten Breeze if the need were to arise. 

The reunion is short-lived as deliberate slow clapping reaches the group's ears. A tall, dark-armored, smoke emanating knight appears from the forest -- the figure is quickly recognized as one of the Atramentous the crew had met earlier outside the salt mine in Pillory. A conversation ensues discussing how his queen (who some know as the black pearl), her interest in the group, and how he had helped them be less pathetic by helping them escape their oozey captor and pushing them forward by allowing them to become the Butcher’s of Pillory -- a name of which some of the group does so much enjoy. Clearly, this foe is far beyond this group’s ability to defeat at this time, but that does not stop Fey, Nom, and Mokon from stepping up the, all but impossible task. After being disrespectful, Fey takes a quick punch to the face, which sets her on her backside -- where she decides to remain. Alora, using her brains instead of her brawn, stays back and quiet. Glug kisses so much ass his lips become chapped. Nom and Mokon, however, decide to pick a fight with words and actions. Mokon begins to relieve himself mid-talk, clearly not taking this metal-clad visitor seriously. He does not appreciate the gesture commanding Mokon to act out his defiance on himself, instead of the ground -- a piss-soaked Mokon prepares for a fight. Nom, also showing very little respect, follows suit. Barely scratching this powerful foe Nom and Mokon are easily brought to the brink of death -- they both decide to save the fight for later. 

The knight then explains that the group is now one of the Atramentous -- a trial period, if you will -- and are required to pass three tests. One of loyalty, one of ability, and one of tenacity -- allowing the group to choose a starting point. After a brief discussion, loyalty is chosen. “Kill one of the thirteen Tabaxi children”. Glug takes no pause, grabbing the already dead kitten and stabbing it through the heart. “Well done.” The next chosen trial is one of ability. The group is told to steal the pinky ring from the left hand of Oleander Snapdragon -- leader of Oleander’s Peace and the militia who had imprisoned our adventurers days before in Pillory. In an attempt to save time, the Ebony Knight enlightens the group on the final challenge of tenacity -- to collect ten shards of crystal. As he speaks he approaches Breeze and her kittens, reaching past, quickly grabbing Hatch by the throat, and slowly walking back to the group. With a quick slice of his sword Hatch’s lower half falls to a heap on the ground while his upper half is impaled by a large gauntleted hand -- a shining pink shard is exhumed. Hatch’s lifeless torso is thrown aside. The knight explains there are nine more shards with different attributes and the group is ordered to find them for his queen. As he slowly explains, he meticulously wipes the excrement and blood from the shard onto the armor of Mokon and Nom -- adding insult to injury, and further proving his alpha status.

Nom does not take this quietly, quickly lashing out with sharp words. Being absolutely fed up with the large female half-orc, the dark-knight orders Nom to lick a closeby tree until she apologizes -- of which she feels compelled to do.

The Knight had noticed small twinges of pain since the finale of the battle with Nom and Mokon. Curious, he asks Glug, the most willing of the group, to explain what was causing this discomfort. Glug sings like a small, yellow, weak, canary quickly giving up the bracer of Nom. Approaching the tree-tasting Nom he begins to admire the handiwork. Wanting the bracer for himself he raises a sword at which point. Nom eagerly apologizes for her prior actions and words as blood drips from her mouth, pulling her arm away from the firm grasp of their new employer and away from the blood-soaked tree. Still interested in the bracer, Nom is approached again, this time, Glug steps in explaining how important the bracer is in helping them succeed in future missions -- the Knight agrees. Mounting his hellfire steed, the pair depart, but not before a gesture of superiority -- a parting gift. Having Mokon combine Hatch into a single piece, Hatch springs to unlife waiting for the group's command.

Beaten and bruised the group part ways with Breeze and her children, ordering Hatch to follow and protect the Tabaxi and her ilk as they make their way home. The party then momentarily discusses heading to town with their secret package, since Alora clearly was too distraught to take notice, but opts to head back to Yaekov for their fortunes and a long rest. Mokon easily walks the group to the main road and north toward Yeakov who meets them on route to Therack. He agrees to set up camp for the night -- as there is safety in numbers. The group completes a long rest with Mokon realizing a little more about his intense magic-related headaches, Fey practicing her double-arrow shots, Glug attuning to his fancy new bling, Alora sitting in silence, and Nom getting a quick motivational talk from Yaekov, as her ego is incredibly bruised, by explaining how she is the best kind of shit.