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S19: Welcome to the Atramentous

The potentially appley named Butcher’s of Pillory (BOP) wake up refreshed; Glug on a bed of dead insects of which he quickly tries to hide, Nom hungry for red bloody meat, Mokon from yet another nightmare, Fey wondering what to Averus is up with the thousands of dead bugs under Glug and why he is trying to hide them, and Alora blissfully unaware as if she didn’t even take place in yesterday’s events as she tends to cow of advanced years. Nom disappears into the woods to quench her hunger feeling as though something may be different. Alora and Glug partake in a quick reading for Yaekov while Mokon opts out for personal reasons. 

As the morning progresses Yaekov is whipping up some vittles an elderly woman enters the campsite. She is frail, weak, and clearly tired, but that doesn’t stop ⅘ of the group to look at her with distrust - is she a thief, or perhaps on of the Atramentous, or maybe the Black Pearl themself. The elderly woman stumbles as again ⅘ of the team just watch… and judge. Alora jumps to the scene, helping her to a nearby stump to rest. The woman introduces herself as a wanderer, once from Therack where she worked as a local Baker, but after a fire that burned her raised her business to the ground, she decided to walk the roads in search of something new, and is on her way to Pillory. Mmmmhmmm likely story thinks all but Alora who attends to Anna as best she can. Glug tries ye olde ask-a-possible-fake-baker-for-a-bread-recipe trick (which we all know never fails) -- Anna passes the impossible task with ease. The group does show some humanity by warning Anna about the alleged tragedy at Pillory. With a sigh, Anna decides to head back to her home city of Therack. Yaekov reluctantly and with vocal disapproval agrees to chaperone Anna home. Did the BOP make a love connection? Guess we’ll find out.

On the road again the Butcher’s make their way south until they find a winding path up the mountains, which they determine is more than likely the road to the map maker Tezlo -- a place of which they have been trying to reach for many, many, many sessions… er… days… many days. The road is long and hard and bends slightly north, and Alora loves every minute (so does Glug). As the crew makes their way closer to Tezlo’s they stumble across a cave entrance littered with various cleanly picked bones. Why would a cave be here if we weren’t meant to enter it? Alora has her doubts, but the crew votes to enter. The stench is as horrid as the small entrance is treacherous -- sharp rocks poke and prod as the adventurers gag back their earlier meal. The cave widens into a cavern where more bones and stench is found -- albeit in a beautifully arranged setting (you’re welcome). A twelve-foot tall giant stone face is embedded in the western wall. The group assumes it is some sort of door, but find it impossible to open. Into cave two -- Glug prestidigitates the fecal matter from the floor and crew enters to find more cave, more bones, and a deep puddle. Nom takes some time to look into its depths, finding it deeper than first expected. The crew dives in swimming a short distance and discover an abandoned ruin.

A large statue resides on a larger stone table with the words “May your fortune be that of which you deserve”. Time has not been kind to the omnipotent figure as its upper third rests squarely besides its lower third -- the statue clearly holds some significance. As Mokon and Glug moonlight as handymen. Fey and Alora explore finding a makeshift nest with three large unidentifiable eggs. With the statue repaired the tests begin. Nom, with the hopes of salvation (or at least less insanity) touches her favorite sword to the figure’s hand with no result. Alora gets hoisted via Mokon muscles and notices a paper thin half-pound featureless coin -- taking the coin Alora senses magic, which kind will be determined later. The tests commence. Coins in the statues hands do nothing, why not try eggs. Butter-fingers -- one of the gigantic eggs hits the ground, clear liquid begins to drain out, quickly Glug applies a magical Band-Aid to remedy the situation. Finding little success, the crew decides to leave. Mokon wants one more shot at the big front door. As he approaches growls emanate from the other side as does a hissed “Someone enters my lair. Panic ensues as the crew discusses options as they all (except Mokon who is steadfast with his front-door attempts) stand directly in front of the only entrance to the ruin they have found. Within minutes the water erupts in front of them as an enormous multi-legged blue lizard-like creature enters her egg chamber deftly slithering around our heroes and smelling their intent. Sodd can smell their egg-trayel as well as the scent of a dragon. Panic increases as the BOP try to figure out where they ran into a dragon. Sodd slowly tightens her grip on Mokon and Glug. Was it old Anna, Yaekov the seer, or maybe Yaekov’s cow -- countless ideas stream through their minds. Preparing for battle Alora suggests Sodd leave her friends alone and attend to her eggs. Sodd begins to follow the order then Alora realizes she can’t actually do that sort of thing because the DM bunged up the description of her necklace… so none of this happens. Instead, Glug reaches deep into his pocket for a little thing we can T-Rex pee. Splashing it upon himself Sodd loosens her grip unsure of the smell. Glug continues to tell her he is the leader of, well, everything. Sodd is confused, but is intrigued enough to be pulled into conversation. Sodd is still certain the group has been in contact with a dragon, perhaps even working for one. The legged-wyrm abruptly leaves to think over the situation at which time the crew discusses their dragon connection. 

Time to blow this popsicle stand. Our explorers leave the ruin with glorious speed and end up face-to-face with Sodd once more. Sodd gives two options -- die or kill a dragon (and bring back a body part). After a little humming and hawing, the group chooses to slay a dragon -- somehow. A natural one forces Sodd to ingest Alejandro as assurance of the group's return. Sodd leaves to his hatchery and the group leave the front door heading north to the cartographer.

Tezlo’s home rests precariously close to the edge of a deep chasm. A large nest rests on a tall pillar of stone overhead. Two well-worn bridges later the group stands at the front door. Innate carvings litter each board of Tezlo’s home -- meticulous in detail. Alora knocks. A whirring gear turning sound ensues. A clear orb with a black center connected to an articulating metal rod appears from a silver box above the door. “Please state your name and intent,” a monotone voice politely states. The crew politely answers. (The DM almost fell off his chair BTW.) B3N-Y (Benny) answers a few questions, eventually explaining Tezlo is behind the house with his wife. Benny disappears as all head to the back of the home. A small shelled being sits on a finely crafted wooden bench overlooking an uncomfortably deep chasm. A gnarled wooden cane and a copper funnel rest across his lap. His overly small shell is a dark green with blue flecks and his skin is dark brown. Thick glasses rest dangerously close to the end of his beaked nose. His eyes are closed as he faces directly into the warm evening sun. A gentle hum surrounds the air around you. Alora approaches the small Tortle with a shy “Hello”. He does not answer. Louder she announces herself to no avail. A quick tap to the shoulder should work. Tezlo spins around placing the horn to his ear. “Get off my damn wife’s grave.” Glug swears he wasn’t standing on the grave. Tezlo knows otherwise. After a little back and forth with their wants and needs. Tezlo heads back inside. Mokon, still determining what type of paladin he wants to be, or perhaps if a life of good is really what he wants to pursue, stands strong in front of the small Tortle, not letting him by. With a swift swack of his walking stick, Tezlo smacks Mokon’s leg. A sharp pain follows. Tezlo makes his way back to his front door, opens it, closes it, and the group hears a sharp “click” as it is locked behind him. Nom contemplates chopping the door down -- always a good way to ask for a favor. After some time and several apologies from certain members of the group. Benny unlocks the door. The interior of the home is shelf upon shelf of parchment and metal. Blueprints and maps litter the floor. Tezlo explains to the group he lost his wife ten years ago, he makes maps with the help of an aviary version of Benny, and he may or may not be slightly sexist (this the group figures out on their own). Alora creates a wonderful meal for the elderly Tortle of which he appreciates very little. Still, he agrees to let them have a map -- once he finds it. Benny, in automaton form, searches the shelves for the map in question. Benny eventually finds the map and shares it with the group -- a map without words or a key. Tezlo mentions he does have alternative maps that he will search out. In the meantime, if the group finds any metallic objects Tezlo asks that they let him know, or bring it back. And to help them traverse this harsh land he will eagerly let them be guinea pigs for a balloon invention he has yet to test. If, that is, they can find the little gas releasing swamp creatures he needs to make it work.

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