The Story So Far

S1: Falling Has Never Been So Easy...

Written by The Author | Jan 19, 2024 9:35:31 PM

Grimshackle’s newest adventuring party finds themselves together out of necessity more so than want being thrown immediately into Saviir’s arena upon consciousness. 

Fayette shows “she ain’t afraid of no skirmish” by quickly jumping into the fray to wrestle a spear from Durr the pathetic kobold and Fod the even more pathetic goblin who, upon the first signs of blood, opt-out. Mokon weighs his options and decides that any limb is a good limb ripping a new weapon from an old corpse. Nom follows suit, upping the ante by acting on her belief that four arms are two arms too many. Glug shows his disdain for unwashed loincloths with fire and takes advantage of agile magic missiles. While Alora uses her feminine wiles and silver tongue to entice Righty and Lefty, soon realizing the not-very-bright ogre duo is simply not going to pick up on subtle hints and blasts the competition with a thunderous wave of pain. 

Saviir is impressed with the party (or maybe just trying to cash in on his lack of options) and forcefully tempts the group with the chance for freedom -- all they need to do is find a few fresh bodies for his arena. The party accepts under duress and a metal bar headbutting competition between Saviir and Nom.

A quick brand and a spin on the Wheel of Obedience by “Greg the now single nutted” and the crew is whisked away to a watery destination where Nom reaffirms she hates two-fifths of her group leaving Fay to sleep with the fishes. Lucky for her, Mokon and Glug were on the swim team and help her to the shore.

As the group surveys their new surroundings on the cold/tropical isle Alora makes sure no one starves with plenty of clam and berry casserole.