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S23: Huther’s Fury

Our party exits Lower Therack’s underground arena victorious with flat ring in hand, the approval of Saram of the Order, and Huther’s anger at an all time high. Before leaving the underground cavern Mokon and Alora take a few minutes to mingle with the locals asking about fight schedules while getting a better view from the stands. They run into one young half-elf ranger named Darnys who is contemplating entering the fights herself -- Alora does her best to deter her from a gladiatorial future. Darnys leaves a little frustrated and a little wiser as she contemplates Alora’s advice. The group gathers and proceeds to leave the cavern with the fresh smell of iron heavy still in the air.

Climbing narrow wooden stairs single file the group emerges into an open field surrounded by homes - to their back Lind’s Libations. The arena patreons file out of the hidden hatch in droves. As the group begins to deliberate their next move when they hear the sound of sobbing. Arnie, one of Lind’s Ladies they recognise from earlier that day, stands before them scared and shaking. Fey and Alora approach as the others keep their distance. Alora rumages for any available writing utensil (as she knows Arnie does not have the ability to talk) so she may determine the problem. Once found, Arnie begins to write, but soon stops and points past the party, frozen with fear. The telltale slow clap of Huther penetrates their ears through the noisy crowd. Cheers and back pats adorn Huther as he walks through the village folk toward Arnie and our group. “You have disrespected Huther. Huther cannot let this stand,” the words slither off his tongue. Alora retorts, but it falls on deaf ears. “Huther will need to make an example of you.” Huther then begins to walk back toward the trapdoor and disappears below. The party's attention turns back to Arnie, although their hatred of Huther is boiling. Arnie begins to choke and gag as she claws at her neck. A thin line of blood begins to pour from her neck as she slumps to the ground. A small silver ring clings tightly to her spinal cord as does her severed head. “They killed Arnie, Huther’s favorite, they killed her.” The group spins around just in time to see Huther’s wide tooth-gapped smile disappear below the hatch. The surrounding crowd erupts in screams and begins to scatter. Uncertain what to do, the group begins to discuss plans. Within moments whistles can be heard from around the city quickly approaching the source of public distress. The BOP are surprised at the speed at which the authorities respond -- not currently knowing there have been a series of murders in the city and that the law is on high alert. 

The group runs east not knowing the layout of the city, but trying to head toward Luscious’ as they escape. As whistles of the law become louder the group takes refuge in a small shed. Mokon quickly orders the group into Alora’s hole -- all except Fey who could be their savior. As Fey holds up the hole the rest jump in finding themselves with a gravitational shift from linear to vertical as they each plummet ten feet and land on a now conscious Glug (and a shit-ton of ale brewing literature). Fey gently, but with great speed, closes Alora’s hold and puts it away for later use. She adjusts her cloak to fit in with local attire while grabbing a basket and a pitchfork for maximum blend-in-ness. Fey exits the small building with a limp heading for the closest field and runs directly into a Therackian guard. Smart words and a spot-on villager act allow her to pass without a second thought from the guard. 

Fey gets a lay of the land and heads north toward Upper Therack. As she approaches she feels a tug on her hand. Looking down, a small boy is pulling her back from whence she came. “They are waiting for you, this way -- quick come on.” The not-taking-no-for-an-answer halfling all but drags Fey to a ruined city in the center of Therack -- Olde Therack the founding town of Therack that has long since been forgotten. The small boy continues to direct Fey to an old building. Untrusting and unknowing what is ahead, Fey takes time to dump Alora’s hole -- nothing happens. Those inside the hole’s dark smooth walls feel no change in direction or movement, although they do feel the rush of fresh air. As they look upward to the unfolding light they see a forest canopy, then old buildings, then damp ground. Taking this as a sign they begin to exit. One after one they exit in style -- Glug, Nom, Alora -- until Mokon who lands splendidly on his back. Fey puts away Alora’s hole with a gentle spank… er.. pat… a gentle pat. Fey asks the young halfing his name. He responds,”Smalls, my name is Smalls.” Glug states that the young halfling is killing him which confuses Smalls, but then again, he’s never seen a dwarf before… so maybe they are just weird.

The group follows Smalls into a decrepit building where he points to a hole in the floor. “Red and Slim are down there.” All but Mokon, who stands guard, eagerly follow the child into the rotting passage where they are greeted by two more young adults. Redd (thin and freckled) and Slim (short and stout) human tweens. “We’ve been waiting for you for like a month, where have you been? Do you have the package?” Redd’s eyes focus on the serpent pin worn by Fey. Fey related the package to the boys where they proceed to test the product and soon explain it is medicine they use to help those in need using the sewer system as a way to stay discreet. Redd also explains the children down here are known as the Disregarded and that, although the group in Pillory have been piloting the name Serpents of Pillory, the whole organization is actually known as the Fulcrum Underground. Fey references a group named the lost boys and continues to call Smalls Peter Parkour which confuses Smalls, but then again, he’s never seen an elf before… so maybe they are just weird. Redd continues to answer questions about the city, sharing maps of Therack above and below, and eventually showing them an ANCIENT map of Olde Therack which are the ruins they are standing in now. He explains the ruins are in the center of the city, but have long since been forgotten and the original bridge which connected the two halves of Olde Therack has fallen to ruin over the years. Also, he explains that Olde Therack and its building are not shown on the updated map of the city, but it falls in the general middle area -- as he points his fingers accordingly. Unfortunately, only some of the group are paying attention at the moment as they are discussing something called Beer Olympics and theme songs. Smalls is confused at this reference, having never heard the word beer or olympics before, but then again, he’s never seen this group of adventurers before… so maybe they are just weird. Many conversations were had, during one of the many, the group hears a thumping noise growing louder. A small very shy half-orc named appropriately as Thump walks in, introducing himself to the group and offering his hand as a hello with special interest in Nom, the only other half-orc. Most of the group comply with the simple friendly request except Nom who disregards the child (as he is accustomed to). Thump leaves somewhat disheartened and unsure of what he did to offend. The group continues to ask questions about locations, people, and organizations throughout the Grimshackle -- the freckled boy does his best to answer. He also mentioned there have been 8 murders in the past few weeks so the entire town is on high alert, especially Upper Therack, and that he would, under no circumstance, try to go there right now as they will notice any outsiders and there would be trouble. At the request of the group he also sends out Rabbit (and young tabaxi) to find Torin and Anna asking them to give back the gold nugget stolen from Huther -- Alora writes a note to each and Glug writes a second note to Torin. Nom invites Mokon down as there are no guards in pursuit giving him a summary of the conversations had. And Glug takes a little time to repair a severely collapsed wall in the tunnels.

It is difficult to have a discussion about Lower Therack without mentioning the slimy Huther, as the conversation devolves into everyone’s hatred of the man, Redd mentions that Huther has a house somewhere on the outskirts of Therack, although he does not know where it is, the FU can find out. During this conversation the smallest of the Disregarded enters the room accompanied with the smallest cough you have ever heard. Redd mentions Sweets (Smalls twin sister) has had a cough for several months and it seems to be getting worse. Sweets instantly greets the strangers with a surprisingly strong calf hug which is accepted by all except Nom who does her best to shake her leg free of her tiny grasp. Upon reaching Mokon he gently “zaps” the young halfling with divine healing to relieve her of her illness. Sweets instantly feels relief, hugging Mokon even tighter. Redd asks if she would do a little reconoscence for him. “Can you follow Huther and find out where he lives?” Sweets instantly takes on the task, but not before Redd reminds her to run if she is seen -- not to play dead. Alora also takes this time to give her one of Alora’s prized possessions -- a Gruddy doll that she had created as a reminder of someone she held dear. Sweets eyes grow wide and then she hugs the doll tightly as this is the only toy she has ever had. Glug belittles the sweet sentiment with the talk of prostition, but Sweets takes this unknown word as a compliment saying she loves “Prostihoots”. Redd invites the group to the caverns past the ruins showing them their fishing and bathing spot, complete with unexplored water cavern of which Nom does her best to spelunk, but does not have the lung capacity to do so. Redd also shows the group their boat access to the northern part of Olde Therack across the river and parallel to a heavily guarded bridge that connects Lower and Upper Therack.

The conversations with the Disregarded last for some time. Eventually the group needs to decide their next move. Although their list of quests is long, they are uncertain of their next move. Glug and Fey insist they go see Luscious and almost do so, until Redd reiterates that it is dangerous and there is a good chance they will end up in prison… or worse. The group then opts to find a way to smelt their gold to remove Huther’s special scent. They believe their best chance (without current access to Honor or Luscious) is to find smelting tools from the remains of Olde Therack. They first visit the weaponsmith’s shop above, but have little success minus a few straps of worn leather. The BOP then decide to try their luck across the river, opting to swim for stealth purposes. The crew make it across the slow flowing river with little trouble, even with a slightly noisy Alora. Once across the group quickly follow the underground spider infested tunnels until they reach the basement of the Olde Therack Church noticing the ruined stairs going up and a massive hole in the basement wall leading into a dark cavern. The crew heads upward. They begin to explore the ruined building of Therack. The worship provides a small, but usable means for smelting -- if the group can get a fire hot enough. In the orphanage Alora finds an old doll house and a heavily soiled doll. Continuing on Alora stumbles across a secondary staircase downard in one of the surrounding outbuildings close by the church. Upon descending she immediately notices a salvageable suit of armor at which the mention causes Mokon to audibly giggle in glee. Although the armor is too small for the large half-orc it could possibly be broken down for parts. When Alora and Mokon remove the armor the wall crumbles behind leaving a doorway to a hidden room. With the room -- a partially identifiable female painting and a chest containing small bracers, a small helmet, and small pauldrons. These items are also too small for Mokon to don, but with some work, they may be usable.

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