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S24: No News is Good News - Well, That’s Unfortunate

The group finds their way back to Fulcrum Underground’s underground lair after minimal success in their search of the northern, across the river, portion of Olde Therack. A little damp, and a lot tired they stumble into a conversation between Redd, Slim, and a standing-just-out-of-sight Thump. Upon request the group learns that Huther is not at his establishment, and the establishment itself is completely dark which is strange because it is the 20th of Kythorn -- the Summer Solstice, the biggest party of the year, and the biggest financial gain for Huther. 

After short deliberation and a short rest the crew decides to investigate and hopefully take Huther out once and for all. With the help of the small Tabaxi child Rabbit the crew find’s their way to just outside Lind’s Libations via sewer. Above them, a rager raged complete with drunks, ale, and extremely catchy music -- a crowd like this is the perfect opportunity to blend in. As Glug fades from sight, the crew emerges the sewer unnoticed by any Therackians -- most of which were much more interested in getting their drunk-on. A quick perusal of Huther’s business provides an uncomfortably empty building and possibly a lurking trap. Taking into consideration entry points, the group opts for a second story window, access is easily obtained (even for an invisible and carbo-loaded Glug). Still dark. Room by room the upper floor is slowly investigated -- nothing. Low on spells the group makes their way down the stairs into a similarly empty floor. The only sounds are those of the disorderly crowd outside, an amazing group of musicians, and the occasional loud knock of an angry patron who wants Huther to open his bar doors.

Still uncertain if this is a trap planned by Huther they proceed with caution to Huther’s office door. With a little luck, Fey makes short work of the lock. As the door is gently pushed open the group prepares for the worst, but instead is greeted with a ransacked office. Paper and books litter the floor, a large mirror lies shattered on the back ball, a chair smashed, and a painting ripped and torn. Alora deduces that perhaps Huther had a temper tantrum after their last encounter. The smell of smoke -- Glug notices a crinkled piece of paper just under the potbelly stove in Huther’s office starting to burn. A quick cantrip extinguishes the flame revealing a partially burned page of confusing writing to be analyzed at a later date. As the group investigates the ENTIRE room for 30 minutes (based on room, size, and complexity… ahem) they find many different drawings of animals and people, not just drawing but analytical drawings of tendons, muscles, and inner workings. They also find pages of ledgers and gold amounts as well as a nicely drawn, partially complete, picture of our own Alora. The safe is next. Mokon tests his lockpicking -- ease and perfection… Fey literally turns green with envy. As the safe opens they find a hefty treasure along with a dark note from Huther’s parents. Time to leave.

As the crew leaves a few little “presents'' for Huther (you know… to poke the bear) in the form of an in-your-face-here’s-one-of-your-own-stolen-gold-nuggets, a bladder full of urine, and a tastefully drawn dick on a park bench (apparently Fey has some personal stuff to work through -- or maybe she just needs some time with a gigolo) they hear footsteps coming up the stairs. They begin to deliberate options, but the stairs are not many, as a disgruntled Derwin appears. The group has many questions for the polite and helpful bartender, about Huther, the women of Lind’s, and Derwin himself. During the conversation they find that Huther was irate when he came back to his office -- clearly displayed in the room before them. He then took the girls and headed toward the arena through the basement. Derwin found this weird as it had never happened before, the taking of all the girls, or the leaving through the arena with the girls. 

Springing into action the group opts to cut Huther off at the pass, entering the Arena the same place he was exiting. Derwin reluctantly heads down to the basement again to clean the hundreds of gallons of spilled ale as the crew tries to leave. Unfortunately, the door locked behind them, this time, there is no key lock, but a door code. Derwin is eager (as is the DM) to provide the code which is 8-0-0-8-5 (you’re very welcome.) Before leaving through the restroom window, Glug gives one last present to Huther and to the crowd outside by unlocking the front door.

The group quickly finds the arena trapdoor. And Mokon once again so-very-easily picks the lock. (Fey is learning so much as an aspiring rogue -- maybe some day Fey… some day.) They descend into the iron rich air of Huther’s Arena. It is quiet here as well. As they turn the corner to the Arena doors they find themselves at odds with three guard drakes who are eating any scraps the previous fights had left behind. Clearly Huther is prepared for night time intruders. 

The group attempts deception leading two of the drakes toward an open cell in the far end of the Arena with floating deer meat. The plan is partially successful. As the group enters the arena only one of the drakes is focussing on our party, the other two are intensely engaged in dinner. A battle ensues. Mokon grapples the alpha drake pushing her back toward a large metal grate in the floor where she loses her footing allowing the party to move forward unprovoked. Fey, still excited from her penile drawing, takes out her “frustrations' ' on a door's gentle curves and crevasse with her uncovered shaft. As she unclasps the door from it’s daily bonds -- the door opens wide with acceptance. The crew then, one by one, leaves by the exit Fey had opened. All except Nom who begins to dish out pain. Mokon too leaves, expecting Nom to follow suit, but soon realizes due to her sword's curse she cannot do so, but opts to see how it plays out instead of intervening.

Low on spells, Alora tenderizes her foe before puncturing it from Huther’s perch above. Fey follows suit to help her friend Nom who battles alone. Glug re-enters the arena once more unleashing the forceful fury of his manly rod, almost destroying one of the two large drakes. The third, much smaller, and weaker, probably just born, toddles back to his home waiting for his parents to return. Spoiler alert… they won’t.

As Nom deals death her shield is lost. She holds on to life by only a single thread as her cursed bracer slowly sustains her at the cost of others.  The battle concludes with two large dead drakes and a third on the way as Nom replenishes her life from that of baby drake -- Dewdrop the Cuddler. Still not satiated the bracer turns to her own group pulling life from Glug and Mokon before Mokon forcefully heals Nom with a punch to the face.

Heading back toward Huther’s ale cellar the group find now signs of Huther or the girls. The investigate all the rooms find only 10 packages of hops infused incense and a still frustrated Derwin. The group does help Derwin clean for a bit knowing they were the ones to cause his disappointment. Glug fades once more going up the stairs to see how the bar fairs after his unlocking of the front door -- it is strangely quiet. As Glug opens the small hatch in the door to view the bar he is greeted with an explosion of noise and debauchery. Cheers to Huther and his free ale ring throughout Lower Therack.

Annoyed, the group makes their way back to the Fulcrum Underground for a much needed long rest. As they enter the underground tunnels they hear light sobbing. Smalls is worried about his sister, Sweets, who has fallen during her tracking of Huther. No rest for the Butcher’s of Pillory. The group once more exits the caverns, this time led by Smalls. Within moments Smalls brings the group to a dilapidated old home, in much worse shape than the other buildings of Olde Therack they have seen. Inside, the soft sobbing of Sweets. Glug, still invisible, goes inside to find her stuck in a collapsed section of the floor tightly holding on to her Gruddy doll. At first apprehensive, until Glug becomes visible and Smalls is by his side, Sweets reaches for Glug and is safely pulled from the debris -- minus a few cuts and scrapes. Fey decides to quickly investigate the nearby area for tracks before bringing Sweets back to Redd and the other Disregarded. With Alora’s light Fey can easily see tracks heading into the ramshackle home and even more tracks congregating at an abandoned well behind the home. With this new knowledge in mind, the group heads back to FU for a much needed long rest.

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