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S3: By a Show of Hands... Who Has a Boat?

As our group of adventurers reacclimate to a not-in-a-dank-tomb setting they begin to determine how to get off a distant island with limited resources. Alora and Fayette persuade their more fight-and-defend-oriented members to give up some door scraps for a floatation device instead of shield production. While Glug wanders down to the beach where he is met with a face full of sand as his body stiffens and his heartbeats lessen and he lapses into a comatose state. The party rushes to see what is wrong and quickly dismiss him assuming “he will be just fine” -- instead focusing on proper boat creation. Nom chops down a tree with her recently stolen-from-an- unconscious-mage-who-can’t-use-a-sword- that-good-anyway sword in the name of buoyancy. Glug is then used as potential chum as the not overly flexible spell caster is half-assedly secured to the vessel. (And only by the grace of good d20 rolls does Glug make it across the ocean to safety.)

As the party approaches dry land they notice a small settlement. Opting to stay out of sight they veer west to avoid an in-your-face entrance. Mokon, being the group’s makeshift fort creator, begins… making a makeshift fort. Nom tests her tree climbing skills and scouting in her favored terrain as Fayette and Alora approach the town with “stealth”. The two scouts decide it seems safe enough, enter the local bar, chat up the pickle-loving Dirt Trogg who mentions his boredom with fish and would love some meat. As Mokon and Nom chillax and wait, while Fayette and Alora try (and I emphasize TRY) to hunt on the outskirts of a very wildlife-rich (including those you can eat) forest. Alora decides to practice her what-if-I-had-negative-dexterity skills in a fairly densely rooted forest. (Making more noise than the forest had seen in a decade.) 

Surprisingly, the two meet up with their other bored party members venison-free. Fayette now decides after 6 or so hours that it would be a good time to close Glugs so very, very dry sand and grit-filled open eyes. Feeling something of an unnaturally squirmy nature she reconsiders leaving glugs retinas open to the elements. Nom and Fayette then try their hand at hunting, eventually securing a large buck in true bloodlust fashion with a DAGGER?! 

Now rested and fed, the entire crew approaches the town once more stopping by Gruddy’s Playground for “informational” purposes; being asked for help by a pristinely clean yet horribly odorous woman. After a short stroll through a weak backstory about a Hag, a curse, and a locket the party leaves with a Nom/Mokon/Gruddy future playdate in the books. 

Oh yeah, before entering the town the group thought it would be wise to strap Glug spread-eagle and wide-eyed 20 feet up in a large tree (barely in the forest) like some sort of frozen-in-time, half-alive, delicious-for-any-carnivorous-creature-that-can-climb-or-fly scarecrow. Good call team… there is absolutely nothing the DM could do with that loose thread…

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