The Story So Far

S3.1 Glug: By a Show of Hands... Who Has a… Hey, What’s That?

Written by The Author | Jan 20, 2024 3:45:40 PM

As Glug makes his way out of the island tomb he finds himself damp with ocean water and up a magical sword. As the rest of the party argues the hot topic of shield vs raft Glug noticed a glint on the beach. Curious, he wanders from his party to investigate finding an impossibly black, strangely smooth, and perfectly spherical object partially hidden in the sand. Curiosity aroused Glug picks up the sphere and goes through a plethora of Glug-approved tests to determine its origin. He did not. The thought of tossing it into the drink crossed Glug’s mind, but then… was that a sound. Inspecting the orb more closely Glugs world fades to black. 

No sound, sight, touch, taste, or smell accompanied the darkness. Time continued in the nothing for minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and eventually years. On the brink of insanity, Glug hears an ominous voice.

“I have found you. You have found me. I can help… if you just ask.”

Glug does ask… quite willingly, finding himself out of the dark and into an alley complete with canine companion. Outsmarting the dog via way of illusion-based steak he strolls past. 

With a quick blink to black Glug is in an open savanna with a singular tree and muscular tree-guardian in the center. The oppressive heat urges Glug to outsmart his obtuse opponent with fire and water.

Another flash and Glug is in a womanly chasm with an open stomach wound and a crawling roommate with a bum leg. Noticing the all-important pit prize Glug snatches a healing potion via mage hand before his co-habitant can react. Feeling remorse he drinks only a portion of the elixir before sharing the rest.

The world fades yet again. Glug is now on the edge of a magma river with two cages hanging precariously overhead connected by rope to a crumbling pedestal. The larger containing two children, the smaller three women and three men of various aged states. Quickly deciding children are more important than adults Glug burns and shale-cuts the elder’s rope to a slow and painful death. Fast forward past a much too-long fight with a dead giant’s rib. Glug proceeds to reach the children by bone-bridge and is whisked away to darkness.

After a short dialogue with his new bestie. A blind, parched, sore-fingered Glug finds himself literally up a tree. Realizing vines hate ice-knives, but snakes seem to not care Glug falls to the forest floor in a heap.