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S32: The Troubles with Bubbles

As experience would prove, a time dilation bubble is not for the faint of heart -- a maelstrom of whirling sounds, colors, lights, disconnected battles, and strange happenings do not allow for preparation. The Butchers stand confused with more questions than answers, but one fact rests heavily on Fey and Dorus -- we must find Ton. As the loxodon and elf depart, not waiting or interested in discussion, the others follow. In toe, a small halfling named Torin and an unnamed (as of yet) axebeak mount.

As the crew begins to leave Torin’s practice area they find a peculiar cube mounted on a wooden pole. Mokon quickly grabs the item in hopes to use it as a weapon. It begins to speak. “Greetings. It has been… garbled noise 2.62 years since you entered the time dilation bubble. Also, Nom I need your assistance to trial a prototype. That is all.” The group recognizes the voice as B3n-Ny (Benny) as the cube disintegrates into nothingness.

The crew makes their way through thick overgrowth and narrow passages on their way back to Therack. Alora decides to call upon their mechanical friend for answers using the “in case of emergency” beacon Benny had gifted to her as Tezlo’s favorite.

Alora is also insistent that Torin go to see a wizard by the name of Milbin. Torin is not so sure -- explaining there is a reason he practices in such a remote and hidden location. Alora is not convinced. As they walk Fey takes time to investigate the many saddlebags of her new bird friend. She finds only a few adventuring items and some food.

After a short while they hear a gentle *swoosh* followed by “Greetings” in a monotone voice. A somewhat familiar metallic brown bird lands on the back of the axebeak. Benny looks different -- more advanced. The group begins to ask questions about the last 2.62 years. Benny answers as best as he can explaining he, his lab, and his workers have evolved, showing where Milbin lives at the base of the northernmost Pillar Mountain, that the balloon has not been fixed, and that he is confused as to why he was summoned as this is clearly not an emergency. Once the discussion concludes Benny eagerly (for an automaton) flies away.

The overgrown wood makes travel slow. As the group come upon a welcome small clearing their noses are assaulted with the smell of rotting flesh. In the clearing lay hundreds of dead woodland creatures in a large circle, all of which appear to be in the same state of decay. The crew is unsure what could have caused this unsettling sight. An arcane ritual? Another time bubble? Or Glug? Mokon hears the breaking of branches and heavy steps coming from the east. Casting devine magic he can tell evil is close by as Lord Kruss breaks into the clearing and roars. “Do not think it is over between you and I. We WILL have our time together. My queen's reach and sight have their limits.” Just as abruptly as the large armored Lord Kruss enters, he thunders away.

The crew continue forward stopping only briefly at the dilapidated tent Torin once called his business to grieve at its current state. Therack looks much the same as when they left with only minor subtle differences. They continue eagerly through the front gate heading directly to Honor’s Shoppe where they find a disturbing sight. Ton’s shop, his pride and joy (only overshadowed by his son Dorus), is in total disarray. Anything of value has been taken, anything breakable has been broken, and a thick layer of dust and spiderwebs lay heavy across every surface. The only someone intact item -- Dorus’ bed. Even the statue of Eldath has been defaced and beheaded. Torin takes this opportunity to slip away to find his father. Dorus takes time to fix his beloved goddess with a mending spell taking a short time to pray. Fey also tries her hand at praying to Eldath. Both asking her to keep Ton safe. Mokon voices his annoyance that his new armor is nowhere to be found while Alora mentions all their gold is also missing. Another quick search around the premises by Dorus reveals a small novice carving of his likeness from under his pillow. Ton was never very good at woodwork. Dorus takes time to bury the figurine at the feet of their goddess. 

The crew regroups trying to determine who might know of Ton’s whereabouts. Luscious is determined to be the first stop. As they approach the magic shop for the first time they are greeted with ebbing and flowing of brilliant colors across the entire front of the building upon entering a very catchy tune begins to play. A young woman with pink skin, two short black horns, and an annoyed look greets the group. “Welcome to Luscious’ magic shoppe, my name is Vortexx, please let me know if you need anything… or whatever.” The young tiefling is clearly unimpressed with the group or anything else by the sounds of her responses. Upon request she lists a fairly substantial inventory of potions, scrolls, and magic items. Most of which are out of the price range of the poverty adjacent BOP. Vortexx (Luscious daughter) knows her father has gone to help Milbin stay awake (or whatever), but is overall fairly useless when it comes to gathering answers. The group leaves unsatisfied, but a few potions richer. (They also make sure to play Luscious’ catchy music as many times as possible.)

The next stop is with Jivers at the Flounderweasel mansion. Jivers is momentarily standoffish as he has not seen his BFF (in his eyes) Dorus for more than two and half years. After a halfhearted attempt to make sure Dorus is indeed Dorus he embraces his loxodon friend in a straight up bro-hug. He then explains to the group that Ton left years ago after having an extremely hard time with Dorus’ and Fey’s disappearance -- as he had presumed the worst. Jivers has no idea where Ton went, but does know that he defaulted on many of the contracts with the Oleander’s which led to the new weapons and armor shop Dragon’s Edge which is run by the Oleander’s. Also, all weapons and armor are created in the fire of dragon’s breath at Dragon’s Edge… which is pretty freakin’ awesome. 

The crew splits. The DM sighs. 

Nom and Mokon make their way back to Rizbig’s in hopes of trading and gathering some more information about Ton and the past two and a half years. Nom drops some bubble knowledge on Rizbig who, in return, tells her the bubbles have been becoming increasingly more difficult to avoid, but to do so at all costs. He also tells her of a rumor about a young girl and dragon that doesn’t fly and that he has no idea where Ton could be -- just that the Oleander’s may have had a hand in pushing him out. Rizbig also restates that Ton’s closest friends (as he understands it) Groc and Luscious.

Fey, Alora, and Dorus find themselves in front of Dragon’s Edge, the premiere weapon and armor shoppe in all of Grimshackle -- the tagline Steel Yourself. (See what I did there? Steel as in metal and steel as in preparation… you’re welcome.) Upon entering the already impressive establishment the inside is even more impressive. A massive forge mounted on the back of a giant dragon skull. The entire ceiling is open to the sky while a large open vault is easily seen built into the back wall. To the left rows upon rows of weapons and armor. To the right the bang, bang, bang of many hammers and the blow, blow, blow of many bellows.

“Welcome, welcome, welcome my friends to Dragon’s Edge. I am your humble host Valax Vram. You are in luck today! Our buy one get one 50% off sale is still in effect. Get the steel you need to win.”  A large and impressive dragonboard stands before you. His wings -- laden in silver. His armor -- flawless. His voice -- strong and sure. He pauses for a response. Dorus responds in disgust at the business that may or may not have destroyed Honor’s Armor and his father’s livelihood. Vram continues to explain that all their armor and weapons can be infused with magic at the user's request for a price by their in-house mage - Majorn Forwilth. The crew takes time to look around the grounds. The array of weapons is impressive. The 10 kobolds working in harmony -- even moreso. Even Dorus has trouble finding flaws (although he does believe their product may be slightly better). Mokon and Nom rejoin the group. Just then a thunderous flapping is heard above as a small dragon lands directly behind the giant forge. Kobolds begin to amass, placing their almost complete weapons in the forge. With a great exhale the dragon sends a breath of flame into the forge igniting it with intense heat. Alora tries to talk to the young dragon, but has time for only a few sentences before he is beckoned to leave by Vram. 

We leave our crew with wide eyes and long wish lists while Dorus walks away bird in hand.

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