The Story So Far

S33: A Heavy Hearted Hunt

Written by The Author | Jan 21, 2024 6:59:45 PM

The Butcher’s of Pillory find themselves continuing to search for Ton in Therack. Their next stop -- the Fulcrum Underground. Alora is absolutely certain one of the Disregarded will know where he is -- Fey… not so much. After a small wager the group heads to the FU’s new home base in Huther’s Mansion/Lab/Death Pit. They easily enter through the secret door by remembering and implementing ye olde code Nick-Nick-Knock-Knock. Once inside Fey yells out, letting the inhabitants know they have arrived. The children were nowhere to be found -- it was like they had never been here. Mokon investigates further, noticing this place seemingly has not been touched since they left 2.62 years ago. A slight layer of dust covers every surface, the food has long ago rotted away, and the smell from the lab isn’t great -- rotting formaldehyde-esque soaked flesh and all. Even the second brain in a jar has long since dissolved. 

The group decides to head to the FU’s original headquarters beneath the cathedral ruins to find answers. Upon entering the cathedral basement (through a somewhat large hole in the building’s floor) they are greeted by a two and a half year older version of Redd who is surprised to see the group after such a long time. Alora explained their lack of communication. He had heard of the “bubbles'' that have been popping up with increased frequency in the Grimshackle. Quickly, the topic moved to Ton who Redd had not seen in some time, nor did he know where Ton could be found. He also told the group that Sweoren, Bonk, and Nordrum were still here and that they had become an important part of the group. And Nordrum has been out for a couple days securing some items for the FU. Redd also says that Nordrum has been their protector and father figure for the past couple years. Alora inquires about Sweets and the dragon. Redd explains that the wyrmling’s name is Kyutea (a compromise from the original Sweets given name of Cute-A-Mander). He continues on saying that Sweets and Kyutea are inseparable and that they should be home soon. 

A heavy footed stride is heard coming up the hallway as in walks a much more colorful (due to the artistic nature of a small halfling named Sweets) and linguistically capable Bonk. Bonk is happy to see everyone and greets everyone with a big hug. Bonk explains that he helps the children stay safe. He also is uncertain about Ton’s whereabouts. With Ton still highest on the priority list Alora leads the group deeper into the tunnels where a pale figure with red hair and horrible posture is organizing shelves. As the figure turns, the group recognizes a much more healthy Sweoren. A raspy voice responds with a nervous,”Hello”. Alora gives Sweoren an uncomfortable hug. He tells them he isn’t as much the muscle as a helper in the tunnels -- he doesn’t like to go into public -- people tend to look at him funny. Still, Alora asks, and no he does not know anything about Ton. Lastly, Sweoren tells the group that Thump had passed away soon after the group left due to illness. 

The group says their goodbyes and exit the cathedral ruins. As they do they hear two small high-pitched voices from the trees. “Stop! Who are you? Why are you here?” followed by a low reptilian growl. Alora quickly recognizes the voices of Smalls and Sweets (and presumably a small dragon). As soon as Alora speaks she hears a rustling of leaves and a strong (for a 7 year old halfling) hug around her leg followed by a scaly mastiff-sized dragon pushing its way between the two of them -- quite clearly protecting her friend. After Sweets shows Kyutea the group is friends her guard is let down -- slightly. The group can see how close the two have become. After a few questions (and no, none of them know where Ton is… not even Kyutea) the group says their goodbyes with their sites set on Hardwig’s Envoys.

It is now well into the evening in Therack. Most of the shops and homes are dark (save a few local taverns) including Hardwig’s. This does not stop the group from their goal of finding Ton. Dorus walks up to the door with a heaving handed knock. Seconds later a black-beaked and feathered Kenku in a light green robe answers the door with a squawk “We’re closed,” as he tries to close the door. Dorus pushes back explaining they are looking for Ton. Although Hardwig had not seen Dorus in years he is familiar with the party’s Loxodon as well as the missing Ton (of which he did not know a location). After short consideration and out of the kindness of his heart, he lets the group in, although it is well after hours and the aging Kenku had already laid down for the night. Squawk “What is the message and what is the location for the message to be delivered.” Sure thing, address -- Milbin’s at the bottom of the Northern Pillar Mountains. Hardwig closes his eyes and drops his head slightly. Squawk “Need a more exact location squawk I don’t know Milbin or where he lives.” Dorus, in turn, points to a general 100 square mile section on their map. Hardwig tries to explain to the group that these homing pigeons are not known for a high level of deductive reasoning nor do they have the ability to “search” out areas on a map (as they don’t know what a map is or what it does). He would have also tried to explain that homing pigeons typically go from coup to coup to deliver letters -- typically between towns. But alas, he did not get to say any of these things because some in the group began to rage due to their lack of knowledge of homing pigeons, their lack of interest in hearing what Hardwig had to say, and their need for instant gratification… but I digress. Fey and Dorus take a significant amount of time and anger to tell Hardwig exactly how dumb and useless his service is because it doesn’t work the way they want it to and stomp out of the building as they head toward Honor’s. Hardwig, annoyed and frustrated at their temper tantrum, tells everyone to leave -- slamming and locking the door behind them. Then steps in Nom unwilling to take “leave” for an answer forcefully entering Hardwigs once more -- breaking the lock in the process. The elderly Kenku is startled and a little scared as the door bursts open. He instantly begins to call for the guards. Nom quickly decides to stop yelling by grabbing Hardwig by the beak and holding his mouth shut. Hardwig begins to kick and thrash, trying to escape the large half-orc grip as Mokon watches in disbelief. Eventually the Kenku begins to tire and Nom releases her grip. Hardwig begins to yell once more.

Just then a guard shows up outside the business asking if there is a problem. Hardwig quickly pushes past Nom hiding behind the guard. He explains that the green-tinted woman broke into his home and assaulted him. More Oleander’s Peace guards are called. The soldier begins to question Nom and Mokon. Nom pleads she did no such thing. Mokon agreed she had done exactly what Hardwig was describing. Two more guards arrive. At this point Alora, slightly removed from the group, decides to help. First she creates a giant spider web that instantly shows up in the open doorway. She then plants the image of a giant spider in questioning the guard's mind which causes him to run away in fear and panic screaming about giant spiders. The other two guards notice the spider web (although it wasn’t there just a second ago), but see no spider. They are very confused as their hands approach their swords. They ask Nom to turn around and place her hands… *er*... hand and stump behind her back and turn around as Nom begins to “act” out the fear of a giant spider. The two remaining guards are getting more confused and nervous as one of them notices Alora and calls for more guards. And with that… a chase ensues with more guards joining the fray. With the help of Mokon’s sleep spell, Alora’s hold person spell, and Nom’s misty step ring Alora and Nom escape down an ally. Mokon doesn’t move. As one of the remaining guards approaches Mokon asking him where his friend could be found. Mokon gives a divine and glowing answer causing the guards to quickly leave the area accepting everything Mokon had to say, including his lack of knowledge of where Nom may be.

Fey and Dorus can hear a disturbance in the distance, but think little of it. Upset and confused about where their friend and father have gone they pray -- Fey with thoughtful prayer and Dorus with an impressive amount of pushups. Fey heads back to Ton’s room to think. As she does so, she fiddles with the unknown black dagger, finding a mechanism she had previously overlooked -- a dagger of poison. Dorus, frustrated at what has been made of his home, begins to undo the damage that has been done. He lights the forge once more. The warm glow and heat give him the smallest sliver of peace.

Alora and Nom decide it is time to have a little fun and maybe make some gold in the process and head to the nicest bar in town -- Cottonmouth’s. Mokon heads to Honor’s find Fey and Dorus busy with their tasks and his assumptions of where Nom and Alora could be found. Mokon also states how annoyed he is with Nom and her actions at Hardwig’s. 

The party just happens to reconverge in the city square of Upper Therack. Before venturing into the bar Nom explains that she assaulted Hardwig for his own good -- the group agrees to disagree. Mokon stands outside the building watching for any less-than-honest activity.

Upon entering Cottonmouth’s Dorus is greeted by the bartender -- Flynn Tuffley. Flynn recognizes Dorus wondering where he has been. Dorus enlightens the stout dwarf and asks for the special brew from the back. Flynn obliges by bringing three large tankards of ale out for the group. Alora asks about performing. Flynn happily accepts, telling her to ask the current performers to step down for a number… or participate -- Alora’s call. As Fey quickly gets drunk with the high-octane brew, Dorus tries some of his best lines on the local ladies who are VERY into Dorus' and his “trunk”, and Nom tries her luck at the gambling table with a few locals and a dapper (and clearly rich) traveler named Varro. Throughout the next few hours, Fey and Nom win and lose at the table as Alora’s unique and original stylings are heard in the background. Varro acts as though money is no object and seems very eager to give away his gold for pretty much anything the group has to offer -- well, anything except stupid drawings and even stupider horns. By the end of the night the crew is down 1 unknown green potion, 4 unknown red potions (of which some may be blood), a brain in a jar, a bracer of pain, and a misshapen Huther skull, while they are up a significant amount of coin.