The Story So Far

S34: Assault for His Own Good

Written by The Author | Jan 21, 2024 7:02:03 PM

We’re RICH! After selling items of which the team deemed “of little importance” the BOP find themselves rolling in gold and more wealthy than they have been since they were momentarily dragon-piss gold rich only a short time ago (pre time dilation bubble or PB). Varro stands, bids the group a fair adieu, and proceeds to exit Cottonmouth’s Bar with his items of oddity. As Varro reaches the bar’s entrance he turns to the group, picks up an oil lantern, takes a bow, and states (in a voice strangely unfamiliar), “My master will be most pleased with my… findings… most pleased indeed.” As Varro raises his bowed head you notice an uncomfortably large smile grow across his now pale gray face. His eyes white with two pin-pricks for pupils. With a swift motion and the sound of breaking glass he tosses the oil lantern across the room shattering it across the floor and instantly igniting the ale soaked planks. Varro turns and leaves. The crowd begins to scream in panic as Dorus jumps to his feet extinguishing the flame as quickly as it began. Nom and Mokon dart toward the door to chase the ghastly man only to be stopped by a wall of unseen force. Unable to leave through the main door the group quickly exits through the kitchen.

Once outside the group noticed broken glass and red liquid splattered across the ground as well as a large broken jar that once housed a strange moving brain -- presumably some of the offerings previously sold to Varro. Tracking Varro quickly led to defeat as the cobblestone ground left very little ability to follow any trail. Mokon takes time to look further, unfortunately finding very little success. 

Tired and confused the Butcher’s head back to Honor’s for a good night’s rest.

As dawn emerges the group heads back to Oleander’s - Dragon’s Edge. Valax is quick to greet you as you greet him with a long list of wants. He directs you to the in-house enchantress. You find Majorn performing various incantations upon a large spear. She notices you, but completes her enchantment before turning to face your group. “Yes?” she questions with a left sided upturned brow. Fey explains she would like her two short swords enchanted (+1) and Dorus expresses he would like his shield armor enhanced (+1AC) . Majorn responds, “Certainly that will be 400 gold for each enchantment -- so 1200 gold total.” The group quickly reminds her of the buy one get one 50% off. Majorn’s forehead drops to a scowl. “Certainly, please show me the Dragon’s Edge purchased items you would like enchanted.” The group responds with fistfuls of gold and glee as they spend, spend, spend their “hard earned” coin for glorious dragon fired steel.

The group decides to leave Therack in pursuit of Milbin with a quick detour at B3n-Ny’s. Upon exiting the city gates the group notices Torin’s “shop” is a little less worse for wear than it was the previous day. Fey notices movement behind the multi-colored canopy. Torin, although happy to see the group, is still slightly concerned about the whole going to be kidnapped and used as a power-source for Milbin -- his eyes trained directly on Alora. The group soon learns that Torin’s father, Tworrey, is nowhere to be found and Torin the 9 year old or (12 year old AB (after time dilation bubble) is on his own. Torin is certain his father will be home soon and he insists that he stays in Therack so they do not miss one another. (That and the whole servitude to Milbin thing weighs heavily on his mind.) Alora and Dorus put his mind at ease leaving multiple paper notes (one from Torin and a more detailed letter from Alora) on the wall of a shack that is clearly not weatherproof alleviating any concern Tworrey may have after not seeing his son for more than two and a half years. After executing the 100% perfect plan Torin eagerly hops upon Fey’s Axebeak for all of 3 minutes before asking ,”Are we there yet?” and then opting to ride Dorus instead. 

As the crew makes their way northwest they decide to take a little time for a hunt. Torin is asked to survey the area for food from his Loxodon height advantage. Torin attempts to slay a squirrel (with Dorus’ provocation) but instead produces ghastly swirling otherworldly voices… good try buddy. Fey and Nom take to the woods. Quickly and efficiently (and super easily) kill a dear and bring it back to the group. They both wonder why certain people have such a hard time with hunting and don’t understand why it takes some people so long to procure a simple deer when it took them all of 10 minutes to do so. Strange.

Upon returning to the rest of the group they all notice a wagon train heading their way consisting of multiple wagons and oxen, led by a stout dwarf in rugged attire with an even more stroud workhorse at his side. He stops, introduces himself as Rodric “Roddy” Trumble, a horse tac salesman and livestock breeder. He also indulges the group with his plan to bring a unique finding to the Enigmatic Mysterium -- a ship that docks at various ports every few months to bring the oddities of the world to the masses. Alora asks who owns such a ship at which he mentions the name Seabend -- although he knows little other than this. Fey gets a strange sense of familiarity from the wagons in the back and begins to poke around. She finds tac supplies such as saddles, bridles, and the like in the first cart, but something more interesting in the last. As she approaches, the canvas covering the wagon begins to move. She lifts the corner flap and is greeted by a much larger and fluffier than before, but still very excited to see his friend, Gerald! As Gerald flops out of the wagon he hits the ground with a thud as the ground tremors ever so slightly. The small mouse that Fey once knew is now the size of a large pig with long soft hair. Even though he looks different Fey can tell this is the same old Gerald, just super-sized. Roddy can instantly tell the connection between the two. He explains that his plan was to sell the critter to the Mysterium, but wouldn’t feel right to do so under these circumstances. Fey eagerly gives Roddy 100 gold for his troubles and Roddy wishes the pig-sized mouse happy trails with a scratch behind the left ear and heads toward Therack. 

Torin is quite excited about the new addition and is instantly infatuated with Gerald. Gerald allows the small halfing to climb upon his back for a ride ill-prepared and unaware of how out of shape his large body has become in its current state and is almost immediately winded. Torin cares very little as the combination of warmth and fluffiness cause his small body to lose the battle of consciousness. Fey and Dorus proceed to pick up the rotund Gerald and fast asleep Torin placing them squarely on their valiant axebeak steed who quickly regrets the situation. 

The crew continues forward with an old friend in tow. 

As darkness approaches so does the need to make camp. Finding a safe location the group settles for the night. Nom climbs a tree for some alone time. Asking a well rested Torin to stand guard (in hopes he will be tired for the long road of tomorrow). Torin has never been more ready as Alora produces some bloody deer skin bracers and Dorus creates a crude, but useful, dagger for their small friend. Torin has never felt more bad-ass. As curiosity gets the best of Dorus he asks Torin to test a little magic. Eager to please Torin attempts to create a very specific cheese -- swiss to be exact, but instead the shadows being cast by the vampire begin to coalesce around his small stature. Dorus has trouble seeing Torin even though he is mere feet away. Fey is super jealous. Nom throws an acorn hitting Torin in the head to test her concentration theory. And as quickly as the shadows swarmed they subsided. Torin is bummed. The group rests well with full bellies and the comfort of knowing Fey’s dagger will alert them of any harm -- allegedly. And the sweet metal-on-metal scraping of full plate armor with each breath Mokon takes.

Completing a full night's rest the crew wakes at dawn -- a little squirrely from the constant noise emitted from Mokon, but overall well rested with the exception of Torin who is exhausted and eager to sleep on his TempurGerald.

Day two is uneventful (in a good way) for the crew. A long day of walking, talking, and meeting various passersby -- overall nothing of note. At that night’s camp Torin is once again asked to maintain a parameter -- of which he eagerly accepts. And once again he is asked to test his cheese-magic. The young halfling concentrates and casts. Nothing happens. In the distance -- a wolf howls as the sound of distant fighting can be heard. Just then Torin begins to get streaks of pain as scratches of blood appear on his torso. Within a minute the pain subsides while the scratches remain. Dorus and Mokon heal Torin. This child’s magic is strange indeed. The second night is quiet in terms of danger -- not so much in terms of Mokon’s full plate.

The crew packs up their campsite and continues on their journey for the third (and hopefully) final day. Only a few short hours into their trek they hear a rustling in the leaves as a thin bloody man bursts forth. Stumbling and tripping he makes his way to the group before collapsing in front of them. “Kruss requires your presence in the cathedral,” he gestures to the forest as he coughs spurts of blood. He continues on explaining that Kruss will kill his entire family and the child (the group presumes he means Torin) if they do not comply. Helping the bloodied man to his feet the BOP accept the challenge. Alora sends a quick prayer to The Black Pearl in hopes she will hear her words and entice her to come for the fight ahead.

Breaking through the thick forest the group soon finds a cathedral in ruins. Inside, a glint of dark steel -- Kruss! Boldly pushing their way through a broken door the BOP stand before Lord Kruss once more while Torin waits just outside. A quick glance around the room reveals hundreds of glyphs. “My queen cannot see you here. You have encumbered me for the last time.” The group begins to speak -- hoping Kruss will listen to reason. Without warning Kruss jumps across a deep chasm in the floor and attacks.

Alora takes the first blows from Kruss with two sword attacks across her midsection -- almost extinguishing her life. Steel and magic clash as the BOP defend themselves against Kruss’ onslaught. Kruss shows little signs of weakness as the group takes life-threatening damage time and time again. Magic erupts from Alora with blue flashes of light and commanded paralysis, as Nom, Mokon, and Fey deal massive amounts of pain with steel. Dorus prayer for divine power willfully healing his allies whenever he is able and attacking with a great hammer of a godly nature. Occasionally, Torin tries to lend assistance to his friends but instead causes a swirling vortex of spirits that quickly fade. Kruss, seeing his foes are stronger than he had anticipated, lets forth a blast of purple necrotic force -- a massive blow to the BOP. The crew continues to whittle down their powerful foe. Kruss is showing signs of weakness, blood trails from massive gashes in his side, but he continues to fight until finally he drops to a knee. Calling forth a dark and sinister ball of black flame Kruss throws the orb into the center of the group as black and purple flames erupt from the earth knocking many to the ground. Dorus falls unconscious. Nom, Mokon, and Fey prepare to finish Kruss. Alora yells in pain as two bone and sinew wings sprout from her back as she takes flight. Torin falls unconscious as a small jar fills with a smokey liquid. Kruss grits his teeth and clenches his sword.