The Story So Far

S38: Aren’t Options Fun?

Written by The Author | Jan 21, 2024 7:24:05 PM

As the Butcher’s OP stand in a foul-smelling cave they make plans to move forward somewhat confused about the alignment of their once-party-member Glug. Could he really use evil for good? Is Glug really Glug? Torin is 100% sure Glug is still his best friend, even though Alora is first in line to tame his expectations. Alora also magically creates a small cart to alleviate some of the weight for poor Axel. A plump Gerald is hoisted onto the cart by Torin and Fey. Gerald gets fatter.

As it is still early afternoon the rest of the group decides to continue their journey toward Milbin’s before taking a rest. Dorus, feeling the need for some one-on-one time with Eldath, tells the group he’ll catch up and heads into the forest. While on route, as evening approaches, they hear distant talking and a clanging of metal. Fey and Nom take the lead to assess the situation. They approach a small clearing -- the home to a deserted graveyard and seven heavily armored soldiers digging up graves. The soldiers wore familiar armor, that of Oleander’s Peace. However, the armor was ill-fitting and loose compared to the soldiers they remember from Pillory. They report back to the group. All, except Alora are interested in pursuing this venture as there are riches to be had and a large tomb to plunder. Fey and Nom think it would be good to give them a little more time to exhume a few more graves before heading back -- after all, there is no point in doing the work of digging up graves when you can just take it by force once the hard work has been done. Mokon has a better idea that involves Kruss and his acting prowess (of which the group will soon regret.) 

Heading toward the cemetery Nom’s ranger skills help the group do so much more stealfully. Except Mokon who is so excited about Kruss’ debut that he giggles like a little school girl. As two of the soldiers approach the source of the noise Mokon notices they are children in armor much too large for their smaller frames. Just then Kruss emerges from an open grave. The soldiers slowly turn toward the haunting apparition eyes wide. Kruss lets out a seriously pathetic whimper/howl sort of noise which instantly allows the soldiers to feel much more at ease… maybe even more so than they were before in a graveyard approaching the late hours of the day. Alora, also noticing the three sizes to big armor, quickly messages everyone in the group alerting them that these do not look like real Oleander soldiers.

Kruss, feeling a little emasculated, asked Mokon for another try. Mokon accepts and then watches Kruss fail miserably once more. Mokon takes note that acting may not be where Kruss shines.

Fey then kills a 14 year old child by stabbing him in the back.

A silent gasp can almost be felt by everyone. The BOP now reacting step out of their hiding areas, surrounding the group of children. Nom, in new-Nom fashion, opts to not kill instead pushing two of the children into shallow graves. Alora attempts to talk with the group as does Mokon. Dorus has yet to return. The youngsters do their best to defend themselves with mostly missed attacks as they look with fear at their downed brother. Hearing the skirmish a larger and slightly older male emerges from the forgotten crypt. 

Not yet noticing his downed charge he yells, “What have we here… graverobbers? What a horrible choice of profession. Here take this and leave us be.” He flips a single gold coin toward Alora. 

The BOP chose another path as a non-lethal battle rages. During the battle Nom focuses on keeping the leader in her sights trading blow with blow while fending off attacks from the smaller ones in the group. Fey follows suit, opting to forgo the dealing of death. Alora does her best to reason with not only the graverobber’s but with her own group. Desperately trying to get the BOP to leave as she finds there is no reason to be here. Alora also tries to get the leader of the gravedigger’s to stop his attack with a well placed headache, but the leader is too stubborn to stop and has now seen that one of his boys lays motionless in the dirt. Mokon tries his best to stop the battle that rages by trying to get the attention of the boys by glowing with holy light. Unfortunately, with the combination of Kruss armor and glowing light he looks much more demonic than holy. The battle slows, but out of a confused fear instead of holy intervention. Mokon does not once lay an angry hand on any of the children (although he does think about punching one in the face). Instead, Mokon walks through the group shrugging off multiple attempted attacks attempting to save the potentially dead young man. Sadly, the young man is too far gone and cannot be saved. Out of the woods a sprinting Dorus enters the fray confused about why these soldiers are so tiny. Dorus also attempts to stop the battle with words, but is unsuccessful. Torin is also asked to assist as a last ditch effort to heal the dead child. In true Torin fashion he does as his hair begins to fall out in clumps.

The group watches as the leader tries to move to a better point. Before he can act, Mokon paralyzes him in place. Dorus, frustrated from entering yet another battle, after only hours ago communing with Eldath, charges the leader of the gravediggers plowing through a rusty metal fence knocking the incapacitated boss to the ground. 

The battle stops. Only four of the faux Oleander soldiers remain. Their crossbows quivering and spastically pointing randomly at each of their assailants. 

“Why did you do this? Why did you attack us? We didn’t do anything to you? Why did you kill Tommy? Why?” Their confused partially sobbing (but trying to stay strong) voices overlap. Their leader stands. Wiping the dirt and blood from his eyes he says. He cautiously approaches the remaining young men of his scared and trembling group ”Who are you?” Mokon replies with the letters B.O.P. of which the leader does not understand. 

With what strength he can muster, as he holds a wound on his side. “I told you to leave. We were here first. We did nothing to you. I paid you to leave, then you began killing and beating my boys. They are children. JUST LEAVE. ”

The response from the BOP is mixed. Some say it is wrong to pillage graves and tombs. Some say the gravediggers should leave. Some say the BOP should leave. Some blame the gravediggers for not submitting. (You know who you are.)

The Butcher’s refuse to leave. Nom drags over two of the unconscious boys, tossing them at their leader’s feet. Dorus, more delicately, brings over their dead asking Torin to try one more time. Torin eagerly wants to help. Dorus begins to hear small voices from all around -- not at all what they needed at this point in time.

The gravediggers cautiously watch as they collect their down comrades. They wake who they can and the rest they load onto a flimsy wagon that holds some copper and silver, small clothes, old armor, a smattering of almost rotten food, and their dead friend. 

They limp away defeated from a battle they did not see coming confusedly muttering the letters B.O.P.. Torin attempts one last magical spell at which point he is almost instantly tired. Mokon’s evil sense begins to tingle as he looks in the direction of Torin. 

Dorus and Fey begin to pillage the tomb.

As the group talks about what just happened and plans their next move. Mokon feels a searing pain on his back and feels warm blood flow. He asks Alora to look under his armor, but the superior armor is too tightly fit. They’ll have to look at camp later that evening.

The group then make their way west toward Milbin. A tiny hut is produced. Alora helps Mokon remove his armor as the burning pain continues on his back. She wipes the blood away and sees the flesh-etched words. Peace. Innocence. Patience. Wisdom. Despite Alora's attempt to heal the wounds, the deep gashes do not close. Fey gets drunk, gets Torin drunk, tries to find her path with the aid of Dorus, gifts Dorus her dagger of alertness, and falls asleep. Dorus attempts to console Fey and takes a little more time with Eldath. Nom sharpens her weapons and ponders the art of drug infused blade coatings. Mokon asks Kruss about the words on his back and his ability to act. Kruss has little to say about either other than his actions typically did most of the talking and that they should have just killed everyone at the graveyard. Mokon then attempts to talk to his god through a prayer induced trance. Alora goes quiet uncertain of their group's future. Torin drunkenly wets the hut. 

The group slumbers uneasily in a warm urine diffused hut.