The Story So Far

S40: Milbin’s Oopsy and the Fleshy Mound of Pain

Written by The Author | Jan 21, 2024 7:30:36 PM

The BOP watch in horror as Nom is engulfed in a flurry of flesh and claw. Dorus is first to react, sending bolts of divinity toward Nom assailant. The abomination screams out in pain as it sinks its claws deeper into Nom -- a look of pain and fear flashes across her face. Seeing this, the group begins to try to heal Nom as Fey inflicts pain to the monstrosity that still holds tightly. Only moments pass before Nom collapses to the ground already weakened by an arrow to the shoulder only hours before. She does her best to fend off her foe, but the beast is vicious and Nom falls unconscious to the ground. Feeling her body go limp, the beast looks for its next target but is quickly dispatched by 3 skybound magic missiles from a weirdly glowing and strange sound-effect-emitting Alora. Nom is healed by Alora and she springs back to a conscious state and immediately opens the portable hole to receive a blast of face healing from a currently-lucid Mokon -- she once again closes the hole.

“What was that… thing?” -- a question on the tongues and minds of all in the room. Milbin is at a loss only suspecting it was an inhabitant of the Shadowfell and an omen of the evil that lives within. Milbin and Luscious are quick to approach the fallen creature, poking and prodigy out of sheer curiosity.

The group discusses their options and next move when Lush explains that he must get back to Vortexx soon as she is quite certainly angry at her father for being gone so long. Curious as to how he is going to make this three-day journey so quickly the group questions his methods. He explains it is as easy as a snap of his finger. The team quickly plans to hitch a ride in their portable hole. Lush agrees. Banli, watching the entire battle take place at a distance, decided to reiterate the plethora of information the group has recently received. She explains Torin will be slowly drained as he is here, but should be fine for weeks to months, but not too many months -- powering a time-dilation bubble to stop the Shadowfell from spilling into our realm is not an exact science after all. Banli also takes time to reiterate the temporary vs long-term option to replace the Riftstone. Luckily the BOP take impeccable notes so they have it absolutely under control. Alora hands her potentially nuclear-level backpack/mimic to Lush so as to not test Glug’s explosive theory. They all then hop into the portable hole and are whisked back to Therack.

The hole opens only moments after it is closed. Vortex is not impressed (as usual) as she watches the BOP slowly make their way out of their very convenient way of travel. Mokon specifically finds this hilarious. The last one to exit the hole is the elderly and very arthritic Johas. Alora pleads with Lush to heal the old man’s condition, but Luscious has no way to do so. Alora desperately tries to think of a natural means to alleviate his pain but is unable. In a fit of rage, she mocks Vortexx’s speech impediment and storms out of the magic shop. All but Nom follow suit. Nom decides to try her hand at guilt/reality check explaining to Luscious that this mission is dangerous and if they don’t succeed… well… the world may be gone. Luscious instantly weighs his options. Knowing Nom is right, and against his capitalistic better judgment Lush decides to give the group a few items to aid them on their quest. Luscious hands Nom 2 potions of healing, 1 potion of greater healing, 1 potion of growth, 1 potion of invulnerability, 2 scrolls of fireball, 1 scroll of recall, and 1 scroll that is blank. Additionally, he hands Nom a worn leather belt of which he assures her she will most definitely like. Nom takes her newly acquired items, lacklusterly thanks Luscious, and exits the building. As the group walks away they hear the patter of running feet, which slow to a slouched walk as Vortexx exits the building, approaches Alora, and gives her a dark red and black cloth wristband. “Here, take this or whatever.” She walks back toward the shop with disinterest in her eyes. She watches Alora through a closing wooden door.

Back at Honor’s the group needs to determine what to do with a now angry and aggressive Mokon. Ilmater’s blessing is a long and arduous road. Mokon insists he has orders to follow to kill a man with a beard… ANY man with a beard. Try as they might there is no stopping Mokon. 

A party rumble begins. Earlier that afternoon Mokon had decided to remove all his clothing which made him quite vulnerable to attack. Nom begins by using the strength of her mechanical arm to her advantage pinning Mokon’s arms behind his back. Fey carefully tries to knock Mokon unconscious but fails. Alora tries to lower Mokon's ability to retaliate with magic, but his will is too strong. Dorus does his best to block the door. A blue and white light begins to swirl as Kruss apparates nearby. “What do you need me to do Mokon?” Mokon’s state of mind does not allow him to know why this ghostly visage would come to his aid, but it doesn’t stop Mokon from asking him to help him leave. Kruss gladly accepts as he approaches Nom. Nom’s eyes flash blue and white as she releases Mokon from her strong grip and sets her sights on the others. Alora attempts to blind Mokon and then align with his better sense pretending to be Ilmater. Mokon looks confused (and very much not-blind) as he makes his way toward Dorus and the exit, easily pushing the large Loxodon backward 10 feet. Nom follows blocking the door so Alora and Fey cannot exit. Fey tries her best to reach Nom through Kruss’ haze, but is unable -- instead, she bashes Nom in the face with the flat side of an axe. Nom, already deeply hurt falls unconscious as the blue essence of Kruss dissipates into the air. Dorus takes an opportunity to convert Mokon to Eldath -- he is unsuccessful. Mokon then breaks free of Dorus and continues forward on his quest. A quick blade to the back from Dorus renders Mokon unconscious. 

Those who remain conscious look at each other in astonishment. Fey quickly stabilizes her unconscious friend Nom as Alora magically creates manacles to hold Mokon in case he awakens. Mokon and Nom are brought to Dorus’ old sleeping quarters. Nom is revived, but the delusional Mokon is left to rest with Fey standing guard. 

Contemplating what to do next. The group does what they do best. They split the party. Alora, Dorus, and Nom head to the local tavern, CottonMouth’s, to hopefully make a little coin. As they approach they can see the bar is even more lively than the last time they were here. Dorus notices a sketchy group of street urchins from the lower districts and gestures the sight to Nom. Nom eagerly accepts the gambling challenge and promptly loses 10 of her remaining 20 gold pieces -- she then opts not to kill or follow the two degenerates. During this time Alora and Dorus make their way inside. Dorus orders two large ales from the barkeep -- he then slides one seductively toward Alora -- she is VERY impressed as her cheeks turn a rosy red. Dorus scans the local scene, finds a table of three middle-aged women, and with great charm, buys them a round. It takes little effort to enamor the three women. As Dorus mingles Alora makes her way to the stage to perform. The current entertainers are about to go on a short break so it is perfect timing for Alora to take the stage. With her beautiful music and golden lyrics, she easily wins over the crowd. As the coins begin to flow to the talented Alora, Nom appears saying Dorus just made his way upstairs with three older women. Alora is instantly scorned for her ill-perceived thoughts of the transgressions of Dorus and begins to pour her broken heart into song. Meanwhile, Dorus nimbly avoids being roofied and attempts to impress a room of cougars with muscle and sweat to convert them to the teachings of Eldath. And Nom slowly makes her way to the Upper Route -- a fighting pit for the wealthy.