The Story So Far

S41: A “Ton” of Problems

Written by The Author | Jan 21, 2024 7:43:47 PM

We begin with a very split party.

Mokon wakes with heavy eyelids. Fey is nowhere to be seen. He is no longer wanting for battle, but he does wish he could sleep longer. Around his hands and feet are Alora’s magically created manacles. He is alone, naked, and armorless. Mokon tries to break free from his chains, but they are much stronger than anticipated. He tiredly hops out through the open door of Dorus and Ton’s home into the bustling streets of Upper Therack hoping to find a way to change his current situation. An older man stops to question the large semi-naked half-orc of his predicament and offers to help. Entering Ton’s workshop for only a few minutes he exits with the metallic leverage needed to help Mokon break free. The older man is then ushered away by his very concerned wife. Mokon hazily remembering Fey was with him tries to follow her tracks in hopes of finding his missing companion. The trail goes cold at the edge of the Therack River. Mokon decides to head back to Cottonmouth’s -- the best guess of where his friends would be. Realizing he is almost nude he stops to create an itchy, but effective skirt of dried grass from the banks of the river.

Meanwhile, Nom is making her way to the Upper Route to get her fight-on when she stumbles past two extremely intoxicated women in an overgrown bush. Nom takes little time to strip their unconscious bodies clean of anything of value, noting the peculiar cycle adorned to their armor and weapons. She continues forward to the Upper Route entrance where she is quickly and eagerly greeted by Hawk, a very dapper and well-dressed tiefling male, his sleeves are rolled elbow high revealing full arm tattoos of various hawk-related images, on his head two short horns, and a dark green mohawk. His voice booms with confidence asking why the other members of the Reapers are not in tow. He continues to tell her to hurry as she only has 30 minutes before the battle begins. Nom heads back to town to locate at least two other friends for the fight -- on route she notices a scantily undressed Mokon heading toward the Therack River.

Nom and Mokon meet just as he is finishing his new riverbank attire. Nom assesses the situation to make sure Mokon is in his right mind of which he seems mostly lucid. She offers him his armor, weapons, and armor of which he graciously accepts and begins to don -- which will take some time. Nom makes her way to Cottonmouth’s to collect the rest of the party.

Meanwhile, Dorus has diligently worked on an Eldath conversion of three older women with a show of muscle and brochure-creating prowess. Two of the women are clearly not interested, but the youngest (and prettiest of course) is very intrigued asking questions about Eldath and eventually saying she will make her way to the Druidic Eldath Grove to find out more. She exits the room. Dorus follows suit, heading back to the tavern of Cottonmouth’s for a well-deserved “new convert” ale.

Meanwhile, Alora is singing her heart out with her two new friends, Leorna and Lexi -- elven sisters with raven black hair, simple dress, and brightly colored vests. As the trio sings they are approached by an older, also elven, gentleman by the introduced name of Oswald Mincelmeat. He is well dressed albeit with a higher-than-needed level of fanciness and puff to his shirt and hair. Oswald offers the group a music deal that pays 250 gold for signing. Upon signing the singing group would perform under the banner of Unite -- a music group that has been unheard of by Alora up to this point. The sisters eagerly sign and skip away with more gold than the two had ever seen. Alora has a few more questions about the timing of live events and what this contract entails. Oswald ensures her the contract (although very long with a lot of legal speak that is confusing to Alora) is on the up and up and Alora will be able to perform at her leisure -- the primary differences being the venues will be larger, the gold will be more impressive, and her name will live in infamy. Oswald also mentions they get a 70/30 cut of all profits, but that amount is typical for this industry. Alora agrees with a bit of bartering for the singing cost which increases her take by 10 platinum -- as she signs she feels a slight prick to her finger as a single drop of blood falls. Slight concern crosses her face but is quickly forgotten as she buys a 15 gold bottle of Golden Dragon Lager to share with her friends, Lexi and Leorna.

Alora is still feeling slighted at Dorus’ assumed indiscretions in their ongoing love/hate relationship and the thought that Dorus was getting his trunk dirty with three undeserving women. Dorus is oblivious to her anger. He grabs a drink from the bartender and a red-flower request then approaches his friend. She gives him the cold shoulder in true Alora fashion. Just then Dorus noticed Nom at the very crowded front door beckoning for Dorus and Alora to follow. Alora, Dorus, and Nom leave Cottonmouth’s and find a not-as-naked fully armored Mokon waiting close by. Nom fills the group in on the three-man fight at the Upper Route and how they will be fighting for a 1000gp prize as the Reapers. (Since Nom assumed the actual Reapers are drunk in a bush -- well, at least two of them. Plus, they don’t have weapons anyway.) Mokon informs the group that Fey is also missing and her trail is cold. The Butchers/Reapers opt to fight first and ask questions (specifically about Fey) later. Dorus picks an armload of red and yellow flowers as he walks.

Four of the five party members approach Hawk in the nick of time. He explains the rules of the three-man tag team event - they agree. The odds are against the Reapers 2 to 1 -- Alora and Dorus place a 45 gold side bet to an elderly booky. Dorus, Mokon, and Nom enter the arena followed by a formidable threesome that goes by the name of Scorn. The announcer begins.

“Tonight’s battle is a one-on-one tag team event. The rules are simple and the battle will be bloody.” The crowd goes wild.


The battle rages. Alora, on the outskirts of the ring, encourages her teammates by buffing them with non-magical inspiration. Nom deals immense amounts of damage. Dorus heals the group at very critical times, and Mokon… Mokon’s heavily armored body takes little damage as do his attacks. At one point a small boy falls into the ring which changes the dynamic from a one-on-one battle to a two on two fight to save a child. The crowd appears to love the change-up so Hawk alters the rules to accommodate. Alora waits at the arena gates as Dorus eventually carries the child (with a short-stayed tot-terrifying handoff to Mokon) to the party bard alleviating the battle of one less toddler. Alora returns the young child to her anxious and crazy-acting mother. The fight is long and arduous. The teams are neck and neck until Mokon sends the final blow in the form of restful sleep -- the one thing that his tired body craves. As Scorn’s last member falls, the Reapers are crowned victorious. 

The crowd begins to chant in ever-increasing volume, “Reapers, Reapers, Reapers…”

Mokon in true Ilmater fashion heals their downed opponents. An irate Wreck storms off the field, Myrna sleeps blissfully in the corner, and an oversized new friend, Scrow, congratulates the Reapers and takes his leave. 

Nom, knowing they are not legitly the Reapers, quickly makes her way to Hawk for their winnings. He pulls out a large satchel of coins and…