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S42: To the “Reapers” Go the Spoils

As the satchel of gold from Hawk’s hand lands firmly in Nom’s, blunt force knocks Nom off her feet and back into the fighting arena. Dorus does his best to slow his companion’s fall but is unable to win the fight against gravity. With a thud, Nom’s body hits the ground. Her vision goes dark as her body goes limp. A hulking female orc stands above her with rage in her eyes and quickly grabs the bag of gold still held in Nom’s unconscious hand. Behind her, a drunken half-orc falls face down from the arena walls. A second, this one human, fails at a graceful descent, landing hard on one knee. The strong smell of ale combines with the arena's scent of blood and sweat. All three bear the mark of a sickle on the chest of their armor -- the Reapers. Dorus stands strong confronting the large green figure as she attempts to brush him aside. Impressed, she continues past Dorus with coin in hand. Her two drunken compatriots stumble behind.

Alora and Mokon watch as Dorus runs past the Reapers and once again puts himself between the Reapers and their exit. Fayette stands quietly as Dorus approaches. Dorus summarizes their current situation to Fay. Dorus and Fay now stand shoulder to shoulder in an attempt to thwart the Reaper’s plans. The large tusked orc pushes Fay easily aside. Dorus strengthens his stance as a now conscious Nom sprints past the two drunken Reapers attempting to impale their leader -- Nom underestimates her armor situation. As the orc turns and smiles at Nom, ready for battle. Nom now finds purchase with two strikes causing a guttural yell from the orc leader, all while Fay stealthily fondles the orc's midsection for her golden sack until she finds purchase on the satchel of gold. Fay’s grip tightens, as she attempts to remove her prize she feels a strong hand on her wrist. Fay is pulled around to face the orc leader. Nibley Fay drops the gold into her opposite hand and attempts to throw it to Dorus for safekeeping. Unfortunately, the timing of their exchange was lacking, and the leather pouch of gold empties onto the ground.

Just then, from high on the arena wall Hawk inserts himself loudly into the fray. Flustered and confused he begins to yell. “This is not how we do things here. All battles must be conducted in the arena. This is against the law. Guards… guards…”

Alora, seeing her friends in danger, casts a spell to lessen their foe's success. She also feels compelled to flip her coin of chance which appears to have no result.

Dorus does his best to confuse Hawk as to who the “real” Reapers could be. Hawk is most definitely confused and replies to that confusion with the choice of a second battle. After a brief exchange of angry words, the Reapers and the Butchers agree to a fair fight for the prize and enter the ring once more. Hawk speaks once more. “Let’s keep everything on even ground shall we.” With a wave of his hand, the once-drunk Reapers show signs of clarity. Dorus, Mokon, and Alora spend any remaining healing they have on their three chosen fighters. Mokon, Fay, and Nom. Dorus and Alora sit this one out standing close by Hawk… just in case they could find a way to assist. Another message from Hawk booms above. “Let’s mix things up tonight.” The crowd erupts. “Be careful combatants, the arena can be dangerous.” 

Mokon enters first and with an act of divine nature causing the crowd to gasp and cheer as he “hovers” above the ground, his body clowning with holy light. 

Fay enters the ring. As she does Dorus stops her with encouraging words and a small sculpted statue Ton had created. Fay rejects Dorus’ words of encouragement and tosses the sculpture aside.

The battle begins. The Reapers advance toward our group attacking with mixed results. Mokon and Nom are still tired from the prior battle -- their attacks are also less than impressive. Noticing this, Fay casts a spell of fog which drastically changes the battle’s landscape. Each of the combatants take turns entering and exiting the fog. 

“Time for fire.” The central brazier explodes outward, damaging two of the Reapers and Nom.

Nom attempts to drug her opponents, but gets a little too overzealous, applying too much liquid on the hilt causing her to mistakenly drop her sword into the thick fog. Fay darts in and out with less than exceptional results due to her limited vision. While Mokon stumbles head-first into the fog himself after an ill-placed punch. The Reapers, fresh and well-rested, seem to have the upper hand causing heavy damage to the Butchers. Nom goes down, unconscious once more. 

Alora attempts to persuade Hawk to split the money. Confused but agreeable Hawk turns to the crowd. “Do you want to have the teams split the prize and stop fighting or continue the battle?” Of course, the crowd replied to fight.

“Fire time.” Another burst of flame, this time jetting out from the southern wall directly above a torch. Nom’s unconscious body bubbles and blisters from the heat. Seeing Nom in rough shape, the thin human Reaper drags her still-smoking body into the fog. Alora catches her breath as if something has changed. Mokon knows his team is in danger and makes a choice to end the battle -- even if it means losing the battle and the prize. Mokon heads toward the arena entrance. Mokon’s choice is not acceptable to Dorus. He once again blocks the exit, this time to his own ally. Throwing a hammer directly at Mokon he tells him to help Nom. Mokon disagrees and continues forward. 

“This is different folks, it appears the loxodon is attacking his own team. We don’t have a rule for that.”

Fay is now cornered by two of the reapers who successfully attack and bring Fay to her knees. As blood drips from her body she magically moves the area of fog to mask her escape toward Mokon. In doing so a different version of Nom remains. The once muscular half-orc Nom now looks different; tall and lanky Nom sits up, her armor loose on her thin frame. Mokon hoists Fay onto his shoulder as he continues forward to exit the ring. Dorus continues to disagree forcefully pushing Mokon and Fey backwards onto the ground and noticing Nom for the first time. 

The battle comes to an end when Alora, unwilling to risk her elven friend’s life, heals her from a distance -- breaking the rule of no combatant can be helped from outside the arena.

Hawk tosses the winning satchel to the Reapers as the crowd goes wild. The Reapers exit each huffing their own sounds of superiority. Hawk, impressed with the double battle and seeing gold in his future, offers the Butchers a second prize of 500 gold in the hopes they will return in the future.

The Butchers take their winnings and head toward Dorus’ home. Mostly exhausted, the team talks and walks. Nom is extremely confused about her new form. Dorus is mostly quiet, still angry at Fay’s earlier response. Fay explains why she had left the group. Although confused about the meaning she believes Black Pearl and Glug were both there. Mokon and Fay ask the Kruss about the small black orb which he cryptically replies something about divine choice, calls the group quitters, and once again evaporates into the ether. Alora magically identifies the orb which clearly gives a divine nature.

The group discusses future plans as they begin a much deserved long rest as Nom tries to get a grasp on her altered, and much smaller, form.

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