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S49: Mixed Priorities

Walking as fast as their resident paladin’s distorted body will allow Mokon, Nom, and Alora follow an abandoned path -- eagerly searching for a mining entrance to the Alterspire Volcano. Dorus, with his ability to transform into a bat at will, does much of his exploring away from the team, high in the air. 

In the distance, Fay snaps awake from her  two-day-long comatose state to find herself 80 feet above a volcanic island in an anchored gas balloon. Below she sees a figure on a boat rowing toward a run-down cabin. Time to test the new legs. Fay easily slides down a 50 foot rope and drops the remaining 30, certain her metallic legs can handle the abuse. With a thud she lands painfully on one side, her left leg spouting an odd colored liquid. She tries to stand, but is unable due to the malfunction. She begins to attempt a repair. In the distance, the thin figure from the boat approaches -- muffled sobs accompany. Unsure if the person approaching is friend or foe Fay quickly completes the repair and stands. Fay can now identify the figure as a woman -- a beautiful woman. Just as Fay is about to speak the woman throws her arms around Fay and begins to cry uncontrollably muttering something about how much she loved him and now he is gone. After a slightly confusing discussion Fay pieces together Dorus had “eaten” her husband and buried him in the woods, and the “nice guy” (Mokon) had given her this wooden stake to stab her already dead husband in the heart. Vampire shit… Fay assumes. Fay agrees to help the woman find her buried husband to finish the deed. Fay easily follows Dorus’ dead-man-drag trail into the woods with a sobbing widow in toe.

Further inland BatDorus has located a cave entrance -- smoke and steam roll out from within. Upon closer inspection the entrance does not appear to be of mining origin and clearly has collapsed deeper in, however, there are some interesting markings, downed statue, and one huge red diamond just waiting to be plucked out of some red hot magma. Dorus’ and Nom’s eyes widen at the possibilities for sale and set their sights on removing the gem from its current home. Alora, investigating the collapse further finds a hole through the rubble to the deeper interior of the save. She sees glimmers of red diamonds glowing from the closeby lava and insists the group move the debris to enter. Mokon could go either way… or both perhaps. Alora begins to remove the rocks and boulders she is able. Dorus and Nom continue to explore their options for red diamond retrieval, noticing the many imperfections, cracks, and a large missing chunk from the diamond’s surface -- this does not deter the duo. With no help from her party members Alora decides to get a better vantage point (and possible different entrance) from above verbally letting the rest of the group know of her disapproval as she climbs.

The ground rumbles ever so slightly.

Fay and the unnamed woman find her dead husband's freshly filled grave. The widow drops to her knees onto the fresh dirt mound. “I can’t live without him. He is my everything. He is my world. I can’t.” Fay, rests a hand on the woman as she cries explaining they need to dig in order to finish their task. At first Fay watches the woman dig… very… slowly, then opts to help in order to speed up the process.

Nom and Dorus’ attempt at moving the giant diamond by hand has failed. The red mass is just too large, too heavy, and too hot to move it by hand. Ropes are the key. Talking Mokon into joining in they begin to run rope around the red diamond and the gimped Mokon. Alora continues to explain to the group there are more diamonds inside if they would just help -- her pleading falls on deaf ears. Alora does find the collapse is not as bad as it would appear from within the cave and makes her way down to continue her excavation. 



A large red diamond lays on the floor of the cave. Nom, Dorus, and Mokon smile approvingly at their handiwork. Dorus begins to repair the cracks in the diamond. One by one he mends each one until the only imperfections are the missing chunk from the side and tiny black patterns littering the otherwise beautiful red coloring of the stone.

During this entire process Dorus has not been acting his typical Eldathian self. He is much more lackadaisical and mopey. Aora is done with it. And she tells Dorus to leave if he isn’t going to do anything of importance. Dorus takes her suggestion to heart, straps on the red diamond, and begins to drag the heavy stone back to the balloon.

Jackpot. Fay feels cold flesh. A neck? Maybe a shoulder? The widow, seeing her husband’s body for the first time since his death, throws herself onto the grave once more pushing much of the dirt Fay had pulled out of the hole… back into the hole once more. The woman sobs… loudly. So Fay does the only thing a slightly annoyed elf can do. Offer the pitiful woman who is causing the annoyance a place in her adventuring party. The woman’s ears perk. She wipes the tears from her eyes. “Really?”. Fay nods and agrees. “I mean sniff I do have some good skills sniff if somebody would give me a chance. What would my role be?” Fay takes her by the hand leading her away from the body and the two begin to follow the footprints of their party along a lost path in the woods of the Alterspire.

Dorus is making slow headway with the weight of the stone, but continues to trudge along.

Nom and Mokon have joined Alora quest for entry allowing larger stones to be removed from the pile. Alora gasps, as an eye looks back at her from deeper within the cave through a small break in the collapse. The eye vanishes. Alora loudly extends a greeting. “Just in my head. They are always in my head. Not real. They are not real.” A jittery confused voice responds. Alora assures the voice of her realism and asks for a name. “Fendrus, they all ask me that. I need to get back to Drex. He’s hungry.” The figure disappears into the dark as do his ramblings. With a flash Alora casts daylight into the space within, getting a much better understanding of what lies within the cave. Red, black, and purple gems litter the walls, floor and ceiling. In the distance, the partial outline of a large structure, maybe a statue, and further still a large metal T-shaped device -- an anvil. Mokon’s ears perk as he realizes his friend Dorus would be interested in such a thing. He hobbles off to tell the news. 

Fay and her new companion walk through the woods loudly. The widow, a nonstop blabber of useless information. Fay hears scratching earth as if a large boulder is being dragged. Fay then tells the widow that it is her time to shine with a little scouting. She gives a short bladed dagger of which she instantly cuts herself. With furrowed brow and moderate intensity, the widow stealthily crashes through the trees.

Dorus hears something coming toward him. Something large by the sound of it. He hides by falling ungracefully into the brush. An explosion of leaves and bark break through the forest wall. Dorus instantly recognises the widow. Standing up he greets (unknown to him) his new party member. The widow's eyes widen. For the first time she really notices Dorus muscular physique, strong trunk, and massive girthy tusks. She feels her face get hot. “Oh hi. You know, my EX-husband really was a pretty big jerk and got what he deserved. What are YOU up to?” Fay, hearing the chatter with Dorus appears from the trees. Dorus and Fay quickly catch up as Mokon stumbles into view explaining the massive anvil they found in the cave. Together, Mokon, Fay, Dorus, and the widow head back toward the cave, leaving the giant red diamond in the middle of a long forgotten dirt path.

Dorus feels pressure on his arm. Looking down, the widow hugs tightly to his right arm. “So what’s your name?” Dorus responds and politely asks the same question. “What do you want my name to be? I don’t want that old life. I want a new life with you. What do I look like to you?” Dorus thoughtlessly responds. “JessI I like that, yes. JessI is a perfect name. Fay invited me to be a part of your group by the way. I’m not sure what I’ll do yet, but I have a lot of skills. Scouting, fighting, and OTHER things.” She flutters her eyes at Dorus. Dorus begins to get concerned. Fay rolls her eyes. Mokon tries to keep up.

Nom and Alora have found their way over the rockpile just as Mokon, Dorus, Fay, and JessI return. Once all are inside they walk forward down a rocky path parallel to a lava river. Nom begins to scoop up gems. Realizing she has little room to store them she unloads the unicorn meat beside the lava to hopefully create some jerky -- it smells delicious. The scent wafts deeper into the chamber. Just then an elderly dwarf with ragged clothes (Fendrus) skitters by following his nose and babbling incoherently. The group hears him loudly gorging himself on the not yet cooked meat and then rush past once more with fistfuls of the delicacy. The SOG follow Fendrus down the walkway opening the view to the chamber more fully. A huge statue of a cloaked figure stands before them. Lava flows from a the statue 20 feet above the magma in which the figure stands. A huge metallic anvil sits on the opposite side of the lava river. Magma flows from its center, dripping off the anvils edges and back into the river. They watch as Fendrus scurries across a bridge or red diamonds saying “Drex is hungry. 1,3,7,9.” Alora believes it is the order to step on the independent diamonds, but sees no reason to the numbers he called out. Looking up the group sees a cavern of bone located behind mounds of seemingly broken objects and ruined walls. Fendrus squats directly beside a partially collapsed stone fireplace with mortar and pestle attempting to grind up the unicorn meat into a paste. Within the fireplace a batlike creature slowly turns and cooks on a spit.

Alora approaches Fendrus and begins to ask questions. His answers are disjointed and confused. Some appear to be in reality while others appear to take place solely in his mind. All she can gather is that he has a friend named Drex, he has been trapped in the cavern for around a hundred years, this was some sort of religious sanctuary, he worked in a mine and found his way here after the collapse, and there are two other chambers that connect to this one. The rest of his mutterings may or may not have merit.

Dorus and Mokon head to the anvil asking Fendrus if he knows anything about it. He does not. Dorus decides to experiment. Picking up a small gem he places it on the anvil. With a smash of his hammer the crystal explodes. The particles explode. For an instant the particles of the crystal move as if in slow motion or connected to the anvil itself before resuming full speed and splintering outward. Nothing happens. Dorus contemplates his next move. A small bit of saliva drips from JessI’s lip as she watches the sweat glisten on Dorus’ back.

Fendrus, completing his unicorn paste, rushes back over the red diamond bridge. Alora, Nom, and Fay follow. Fendrus lifts the end of a copper tube. The other side of the tube disappears in the wall of rubble. “Drex has been trapped in there. Almost as long. Almost as long as I’ve been trapped here. Hungry, he’s hungry. Eat up Drex!” He pours the unicorn gruel down the tube. It bubbles and chokes its way downward. They listen. A slurping gulping noise is heard on the other end. Alora calls out. “Fendrus do you have friends? Hmmmm? Real friends? Help Drex… pleeeeeaaaase? Drex has been trapped for so long. Drex is looooonely…. Hmmmmm?” Alora begins to ask the not-imaginary Drex a series of questions. “Drex is not a dwarf. Drex does not think so. Drex has never seen a dwarf. Please help Drex. Drex was trapped and tortured by the Dark Ones below. Drex was rescued by Ud’resh. But now Drex is trapped again. Help Drex.” Alora does not feel comfortable with this interaction with Drex. Nom and Fay are more curious.

Dorus and Mokon take a break from the anvil, curious as to what the remaining group have discovered. Dorus, finding JessI to be more and more annoying, begins calling her the wrong name. “He used to treat me badly and call me the wrong name too Dorus…” She stares angrily. “But. I don’t want to fight with my boyfriend on the first day. We can put all that behind us. Do you want children? How many? 20?” Being as curious as Fay and Nom, Dorus swipes at the debris entrapping Drex leaving a small hole. A long pink tendril pokes through the hole and unfurls revealing a wider flat surface. Another tendril pokes through, this one opening to a large white orb. “Drex needs more space. Drex can’t see. Come closer so Drex can see.” Dorus leans his face forward. The tentacles begin to caress and touch every crease and protuberance of Dorus’ face. “Ooooohhhhh a loxodon. Drex thanks the loxodon for his help.” Nom and Fay have shifted from curious to cautious. Fay prepares her defenses. Nom decides to go a more indirect route and pierces into Drex’s mind. Nom first feels fear and the need for escape rushing through Drex's mind. Then she pushes deeper. “Drex can be trusted. Drex can feel you… probing. Drex will allow it.” Nom sees a series of images flash through her mind. Drex is trapped in a cage with dark figures laughing and hurting him. She then sees Drex making an escape with another figure leading the way. Then Drex is in darkness feeling alone.” Nom relays her findings to the group and her belief Drex is not a danger. Dorus also notices his dagger of alertness is dormant. Alora, still uncertain, shifts her daylight spell into the chambers of which Drex is still trapped. Unprepared for the angle of the daylight to change, Dorus' skin smokes and burns. He recoils and adjusts his clothing to compensate. 

The group now can see fully the being called Drex. A four-foot pink fleshy orb with a large white eye and wide toothy maw stands on multiple thin tendrils. Many of the tendrils have cloudy bulbs at the end. Some of the tendrils pull and prod at the hole in the collapse, still too small for escape. “Hurry… hurry… please….” Dorus makes another swipe at the debris causing it to crumble enough for Drex to squish through. The tendrilled sharp toothed creature begins to touch and feel and pet everyone closeby. “Drex cannot see. Drex will touch you to see.” Fendrus seems unfazed by the reveal and continues to mutter and tinker. “Thank you. Drex thanks you for his freedom.” Dorus wastes no time in asking Drex about his current blood-hungry lack of sleep state or about the anvil. Drex reaches out his tendrils toward Dorus once more. “May Drex?” When Dorus agrees he tendrils begin to rub Dorus' head quickly over and over. Dorus' body goes stiff, his eyes roll to the back of his head, and then he is transported to a black barren room with no walls or ceiling. Drex stands before him, his cloudy white eyes now show a red iris and black pupil. Dorus begins to ask questions. “You cannot sleep, yes? Your kind has needs. Needs of where you died. Needs of the natural nature of the place you changed. Dirt. You need dirt for slumber.” With a startle Dorus is back in the volcanic chamber. Drex tendrils withdraw. Nom resheaths her partially drawn weapon. Dorus shares with the group then offers to wear Drex as a backpack to help him across the red-diamond bridge. Drex approves as multiple tendrils wrap around Dorus midsection, shoulders, and neck. JessI remains only inches away from Dorus at any given time constantly whispering sweet nothings into his large Loxodon ears. Mokon has once again wandered off, this time investigating what appears to be an abandoned altar that faces the giant lava wielding statue in the magma lake. He finds nothing that he understands, but is entertained none-the-less.

Dorus hops across the bridge once more. Drex knows little of the anvil or how it works although he believes it may require special metals or those of magic nature. Dorus asks Nom for one of her magic infused weapons to try his luck at the forge once more. Placing the weapon on the forge and another gem on top of the weapon he strikes it with all his might. With an explosion the diamond once again disintegrates… as does one end of Dorus' great hammer. The anvil will need to keep its secrets for now. 

With the destruction of Drex wall the group has another area to explore. Nom and Dorus enter revealing a large oval room with multiple cave pods. It appears to be some sort of living area. Runes and symbols line the walls.

“Dorus, just so you know. Nom has been talking shit about you. She also wanted me to stab you with a wooden stake.” JessI pouts at Dorus. Dorus does not believe that Nom would do such a thing and does not appreciate his new girlfriend's lies. He shares JessI’s statement with Nom. Calmly Nom walks over to JessI grabbing her by the hair. JessI complains and squeals as Nom drags her deeper into the cave. “Dorus. Dorus she is hurting me. This bitch is hurting your girl Dorus. DORUS!!!” Dorus continues to walk in the opposite direction. “Dorus! OUCH! You bitch! Let go of me. Let go of m…. Ahhhhhh!” 

Nom smiles as she shakes off a little bit of lava that has stuck to her metallic hand. The remaining members of the BOP hear a muffled yell… or was it just the mumbles of Fendrus… or maybe Drex and his ramblings. Hmmm nothing important. And what is that delicious smell? Roasted meat? 

Mokon yells to the group. The hump, slack jaw, and twisted leg deflate, realign, and straighten as Mokon is once again himself. Drex finds this intriguing as he begins to question Mokon.

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