The Story So Far

S51: That’s SOOOO Nom’resh

Written by The Author | Jan 21, 2024 9:53:33 PM

Nom’resh lurks somewhere beneath the magma waiting to strike. Dorus positions himself on the edge of a stone ledge beside a gigantic fire elemental in wait. Fay’s bow is drawn and ready. Alora orders the elemental to protect. Mokon looks over the lava with a stoic strength fighting with the moral choice of helping his friend Nom or destroying the evil of Ud’resh (or he might just have to poop) -- either way, his face is etched with his dilemma. The fire elemental shifts its position. Dorus huffs with his potentially bad choice, assuming the elemental is following its orders. Just then the lava erupts in front of Dorus spewing flame and molten rock over him. Three instant fiery blade slashes are rejected by Dorus armor as Nom’resh explodes from the obscured depths of liquid fire. A wave of hot magma covers Dorus scorching his skin. For an instant Nom’resh’s face changes ever so slightly as Nom fights her way to the surface of her demonic cage. The crown of fire shifts and flickers as it becomes solid steel once more. 

In a distorted version of Nom’s voice you hear, “Run you fools!” Alora, being the first to act, begins to sing Nom’s favorite tune hoping to strengthen Nom’s will. Fay sprints toward her ally attempting to take advantage of the tangible crown once more. As Dorus shrugs off the heat of the wave he looks back. Fay runs in a straight line toward Nom’resh who is directly overhead. Dorus drops to his knee for the perfect springboard for Fay’s advance. Like a well oiled machine Fay launches herself from Dorus' back reaching out to grab the jagged crown. Just as her hand is about to make purchase on her target it bursts into flame once more. A shoulder hits Fay’s midsection as she is knocked to the ground. Ud’resh face distorts and devolves as Ud’resh once again takes control forcing Nom back into the depths of her lightless prison. 

The ground rumbles as lava begins to rise. Batlike creatures swarm overhead. Behind them they hear their exit collapse as Fendrus verifies there is no way to leave the way they once entered.

Mokon, tired of this battle and sensing the light and darkness fighting within the winged demon, rushes the monster landing two solid punches across Ud’resh’s face. Disrespected once more Ud’resh rears back for another attack. Dorus grabs Ud’resh tightly, sinking his multiple jagged trunked teeth into her back and neck. Ud’resh is stunned ever so slightly as she once again disappears under the lava. Again, with loxodon in toe. Dorus feels the searing heat as flesh burns from bone. Alora plays her bardically inspired song louder in the hopes Nom can hear her. 

Dorus feels his life drain. He feels the end is near. Snaking his trunk upward in a last ditch effort to remove the crown from Nom’resh. All he feels is heat and pain until he feels a metallic spike pierce his skin. With a swipe he removes the crown from Nom’s head. He feels the hulking monster shrink in his grip. Wings burn away. Muscle reforms. Nom’s gasps for air, but is met with a mouth full of molten rock. She feels a large body against her back trying to swim upward. As magma burns their skin it seems all is lost until lesser heat engulfs their bodies. They feel the momentum of movement… movement upward. Nom and Dorus are deposited on rock hard earth. Alora, gestured the fire elemental back. Dorus holds a metallic spiked crown in his trunk. 

They need a red gem. Looking around the group finds a completely clear and substantially large gem. The stronger party members easily rest it from its perch. Their first thought… Chester. Alora, coaxes her small mimic from her back asking him if he can engulf the impressive red diamond. Chester chitters and awkwardly blinks his way around the gem -- seemingly sizing it up before attempting to swallow it whole. Chester makes his way back to Alora, haphazardly blinks his multiple eyes in her direction as he begins to gag, cough, and heave. As the group watches a very moist thin, ornate breastplate appears and clangs across the ground as does a slick-with-drool lump of colorful cloth, and hundreds of random keys. Chester then pounces on the large gem stretching his mouth to encompass its width -- much like a snake unhinges its jaw to swallow its prey. Twist after turn Chester eventually disappears the huge gem into his void. Then, as if nothing happened converts to a satchel once more upon Alora’s back and quietly closes his eyes for a comfortable slumber.

Mokon, still noticing the creeping every higher magma climbs upward conscious of their dire situation. As the ground shakes, stalagmites fall from the sky, the chamber’s lava continues to rise. He sees what appears to be a second cave at the far end of the chamber. Dorus, weak and tired, converts into his bat form and flies in the direction Mokon spied. He begins to beat and wail on the rocks feeling the cool breeze of fresh air enter through the fallen debris. Alora commands the fire elemental to help Dorus. The flaming beast floats across the lava and instantly begins to pound on the fallen stones which begin to slowly melt and break away. Fay scouts out alternate routes to get to Dorus position -- none of which are a good option. Mokon asks Drex if he can fly (having some knowledge of beholder and beholder kin). Drex explains he can fly, but will only do so if he can see once more. Mokon quickly makes a deal with Drex agreeing to heal his blindness if he agrees to fly his group across the fiery lake. Drex eagerly agrees. Mokon looks upward praying to Ilmater as he lays hands on Drex. The small beholder-like creature's eight milky white eyes begin to clear showing multiple colored lenses. The large center eye of Drex's body is the last to clear. An eerie smile (or what could be considered a smile) crosses his toothy maw. He thanks Mokon, gesturing for him to climb upon his back. Mokon does so and is safely taken to the other side. Alora is next. Followed by the duo of Fay and Nom. Drex doesn’t forget his friend Fendrus making sure to bring him along.

Drex, elated he can see once more offers his services to leave. “Drex has magic. Drex can help.” Alora gestures the elemental back as Dorus too follows suit. Multicolored rays of light beam out from multiple eyes of Drex blasting the collapsed rock. Shards of sharp stone explode outward clearing a very sizable hole in the collapse. 

One by one the group clamor over the rocks to safety breathing fresh, cool, salty air for the first time in what seems like days. They are now standing in what appears to be an old mine. Forgotten carts and roads of rails rust and corrode around them. Small, less impressive gems litter the walls. Light pours in through a large cave opening. The crew rushes outside to the view of ruins of a long-ago shipping dock and miles of fresh ocean water. Dorus is weak. The light of the day burns his skin as he stays in the shadow of the cave. Mokon slowly, blindly makes his way toward the sound of the group. All but Dorus and Mokon instantly disrobe and jump into the refreshing sea.