The Story So Far

S54: The Search for Dorus

Written by The Author | Jan 21, 2024 10:16:39 PM

Dorus finds himself frustrated, trapped and exhausted. The rest of the group struggles with next moves. A few think the druidic grove is a good place to start, others are not as sure. Alora, being one of the unsure, heavily suggests they tempt fate and use the mirror shard Fay has been carrying since early on in their adventure -- a shard once forgotten, then remembered, then forgotten (or maybe ignored), and now revisited. A shard Milbin thinks the group would be daft to not utilize. Being a very persuasive elf, Alora insists Fay give it another try. After a short debate, Fay eventually agrees. Pulling a hand mirror once more from her bag she moves the shard closer once more. The shard’s temperature plummets as the surface of the shard begins to frost. Upon touching the mirror the surface begins to warble as if it were the surface of a lake where a stone had been tossed. Then, the surface regains its flat surface once more, only there is something deeper. Another image behind Fay’s reflection that has the same feeling of catching a glimpse in one’s peripheral vision.  Fay plunges her face in the mirror's surface. A rush of time and space pulls her forward in an almost nauseating fashion. Fay is peering into a dark place once more, albeit from a slightly different perspective. The shadowed outline of a small pointy eared creature and another of a much hairier and multi legged variety sit beside a ramshackle tent watching a crackling fire. A huge ruin sits in the background. In its center, a brightly lit magical portal (or so she assumes). Fay removes her face once more. After the rush (of which she is growing accustomed) she relays to the group the area is the same she had seen previously. 

Before leaving Mokon and Nom head back to the swamp gas balloon. They take time to deflate and secure the balloon with a hefty log to hopefully dissuade any individuals that would want to steal their mode of transportation or any severe weather that could blow it away. Once confident in their work the two head back inside with the rest of the group.

Knowing the hand mirror is much too small to fit an entire body, especially someone the size of Mokon. The group begins to brainstorm ideas. Fay could have sworn she had a full size 3 foot by 4 foot vanity mirror strapped to her back for the past few weeks, but with some persuasion of physics, reality, and some good old fashioned common sense, realizes she doesn’t. She then reminds Alora that she is indeed a creature of magic and has the ability to create objects from nothing more than music and thought -- a mirror is a very easy ask. Alora warms up her vocal cords and sings a mirror into existence.

A second mirror gate is created -- this one, much more accommodating for those larger than a human head. Alora and Fay go first tearing through space, time, and dimension. For the first time their full bodies step into another… place. The air is heavy here and it is difficult to get a full breath almost as if something was squeezing your lungs as they try to inflate. As your eyes adjust to the dim light you notice the light from the camp fire does not extend as it typically would. The light fights against the darkness but cannot push it back as far as what would typically be expected. Fay and Alora whisper, knowing the creatures are close by, and even their words are muffled -- similar to what it would sound like to speak underwater. They look back for the path they had used to enter this strange place. A rectangle of light hangs in mid air. Inside the rectangle they see their friends Nom and Mokon peering back at them -- not a double image they had seen when looking through the mirror in the opposite direction. Fay shoves her face back through. Within seconds Nom and Mokon see Fay’s face, and only her face pokes through the mirror. She invites them to come forward. Nom, doesn’t need to be asked twice, eagerly hopping through the mirror and loving the rush of endorphins. Mokon is the last one to enter.

The group whispers amongst themselves as to their next actions. Do they head for the portal, or approach the strange being. Alora is the first to move. Attempting to make herself known she walks forward and loudly speaks, announcing herself to the inhabitants of this strange place. Her muffled voice travels only a short distance. Alora, being at a different angle from the fire, can now plainly see this creature for the first time. It is small, almost gnomish in size. Two large pointed ears rest lazily against the size of its head, only occasionally perking straight up in anticipation. The creature wears a tattered and dirty oversized shirt. Thin flesh colored arms and long fingered hands poke at the coals in the fire. Close beside a strange spider-like creature rests. Multiple long hairy legs protrude from the sides of a small, almost doglike body. A single large yellow eye rests off center surrounded by multiple black eyes of unequal sizes that blink spastically. An oversized tongue drops thick dark liquid as it sweeps over rows of sharp angled teeth.

Alora clears her through and walks closer, speaking louder to offset the strange auditory aesthetics. The gnomelike creature’s stand up as it looks at Alora, its oversized black eyes lock with hers as it rushes to her position followed closely by his multi legged friend. 

In a quiet whisper it says, “Shhhh… not so loudly… they will hear you. It isn’t safe if they hear you.” It’s eyes dart around into the outskirts of darkness, seemingly unconcerned with Alora’s presence. “Are you with Huther? You used his key. Where is he?” Alora whispers they are definitely not with Huther and that he is dead by their hand. “Good. I didn’t like him much.” Mokon seeing Alora closeby the creature bellows loudly to let it know of their presence. The small creature's eyes grow even wider as it and the small friend run as fast as they can back to their small tent and rip the tent flaps shut. The group stands, somewhat confused about what they did to offend the small creature. A single black eye peeks out from behind the thin tent fabric. Alora begins to ask questions about who would hear them and why they needed to be quiet. She receives very little detailed information but she does determine that whatever lives in the darkness is dangerous and is attracted to sound. In hopes to calm the nerves off all. Alora creates a tine hut over the group and most of the tent. Inside the magical hut is warm and comfortable. The strange sensations from the outside are not apparent within the hut. The single eye poking out from the tent changes from scared to inquisitive. “What is this magic? Where are we?” Alora explains that they are safe and nothing can hurt them inside this dome. At first there is skepticism but with continued discussion… acceptance. The small being reveals his name to be Kloci and his pet Zhola (named after his favorite cheese, gorgonzola). He reveals that he is in fact a demon who has been trapped in this place for more than 1000 years by a devil (who’s name he would not reveal). Kloci explains that he can help them travel to any reflective surface of their choosing, however, they should be certain the surface of the reflective surface is ideal for travel as you will exit the reflective surface the same way your reflection would be seen -- he does not elaborate. He also explains there is a charge for his services in the form of a soul coin. The group has many questions. Kloci is willing to respond with vague answers. Zhola stands on tall spindly legs leaning against Kloci blinking cluelessly as its eyes focus on whomever is currently speaking. Kloci continues on explaining he is uncertain how to create soul coins, but he believes he can buy his contract back from the devil if he could procure 10 -- he currently has 3. Fay is curious about sole coins asking what they are. “They are souls that have been trapped in coins. Any soul will do. A soul is a soul… Want to see?” Fay extends her hand. Kloci picks through the three coins, selects one, picks it up and moves it toward Fay’s outstretched hand. As the coin touches her palm Fay’s blurs. Then she is somewhere else. A small cottage. She feels afraid not for herself as much as for her children. “Hide… quickly… under here.” She gestures to a small area under a filthy bed. She pushes three children, one after another under the bed. “Be quite my dears. It will be ok.” Just then she feels a sharp pain in her back and chest. Then she slumps to the floor. The last things she sees are three small children looking back at her with terror in their eyes as she feels her life fade. Fay’s eyes open. The fear is still very much real. Her children. Where are they? She clutches the ghost pain in her chest before she realizes it was not her life she had seen, but someone else's. “Pretty powerful stuff huh. Devil’s love this shit.”

Since they have no coins currently another deal must be struck and mundane items have little use for a demon trapped in a pocket realm of mirror travel. The group discusses their options of which they have few. Fay speaks up offering her soul for Kloci’s help. Alora insists that is a horrible idea while the others are less concerned. Fay asks if her soul could be traded in the future. Kloci ponders her offer replying,” Yes, I would be willing to trade your soul for that of two others.” Fay and Alora bicker a bit until finally Kloci rushes Fay, cuts his hand on one of his sharp teeth and extends it for a shake. There is a short pause before Fay nods in agreement. Kloci cuts her hand and places his palm on hers. The two shake hands as their blood mix in demonic contract. “Ok, now that business nonsense is out of the way. Where do you want to go?” Fay explains they are trying to find their friend Dorus who is currently a hostage in a vampire’s dungeon. “Pffft, vampires are nasty creatures. I don’t much like them much either,” he continues,” do you have an item that Dorus owned or held dear?” Fay begins to rummage through her belongings and finds two items -- a sword and a Dorus original Eldath brochure. She decides the brochure has a deeper connection to Dorus.

“Hold it tight. Let’s see where you need to go. This is going to be uncomfortable.” Zhola, for the first time not in close proximity to Kloci, approaches Fay. His long tongue extends impossibly far from its small hairy body. The tongue snakes its way around Fay’s body until it reaches her shoulder. From the tip of the strangely muscular appendage a talonlike hook appears. In an instant the tongue strikes, penetrating Fay’s ear as the talon pierces inches into Fay’s skull. Fay’s eyes roll back as she begins to gently convulse. Nom readies her weapon as does Mokon. Kloci speaks,” Focus on your friend, focus.” Fay is in darkness for an instant before images begin to flood her mind. Past images of Dorus and of Ton, images of places Dorus had been, then places she has never seen, a cell, a small cage, a spiked iron-maiden, then a stone table with a corpse resting on its top, in the background a large loxodon sits with hunched shoulders and head hung low. The picture freezes for a moment then Fay snaps back to the real world. The talon pulls from her ear as a trickle of blood trails down her cheek. “Ok let’s go.” Kloci exits the hut, walks toward the pulsating magical gate which, standing this close, you can now see is huge standing at least 20 feet high. He pushes his hand against the light as the frozen image Fay had seen moments ago appears before them. “Well, go ahead, this won’t stay open forever.” With few words the group enters the gate.

Dorus' head hangs low. He feels defeated. He then hears a noise from the far wall. As he raises his head he sees the mirror he had mended warble as if liquid as four, very familiar people emerge. Alora, Fay, Nom, and Mokon step into a dark and dank dungeon. In front of them a stone table with a disfigured and mangled corpse. Dorus has now stood and is waiting at the cell gate eagerly asking the group to let him free. Three small children cower in the corner of the room. “Are these friends of your mister?” The eldest of the children direct their questions toward Dorus. He assures them they are trustworthy. The lock to the cell has been abused. Shards of bone and metal poke out haphazardly. There is no way to pick what is left of this lock. On the floor beside Dorus the bones appear to move. Upon closer inspection a mummified corpse with sharp fangs works its way slowly toward the group. Dorus drops his hammer on its skull instantly stopping all movement. He does not elaborate and the group does not push for elaboration.

Dorus, although not starving still feels very weak. He needs to feed. Alora, being the only one who has not fed their Loxodon friend offers to feed Dorus with one caveat… it will be through a straw. Dorus, although preferring the animalistic nature of feeding by direct fang injection is not willing to look a gift Alora in the mouth and agrees. As Alora preps, Nom missing that euphoric feeling she gets from feeding Dorus sticks her arms through the bar. Mokon grabs Nom to make sure he has leverage if the feeding goes awry. Alora is furious as she has seen time and time again what happens when Dorus feeds on one of their party. Dorus wastes no time, his fangs extend, his trunk wraps around Nom’s arm as hundreds of small trunk teeth break the skin. Dorus feeds. As he drinks he feels more in control. Was it because of the bottle of older blood he had just ingested or is he getting used to this whole vampire thing? Hard to say, but either way, he maintains control stopping drinking as soon as Nom gives him the command. Although not completely full. Dorus feels much stronger. And angrier. He approaches the gate as his trunk wraps tightly around the bars they groan with strain. Almost without effort he rips the gate completely from the cell wall and tosses it aside. Just then a small purple partially bald humanoid rounds the corner of the room with oversized wheelbarrow in tow. He looks very familiar to the group, much like the small servant they had previously seen at Huther’s estate -- Bogone. The short statured creature freezes as his eyes dart from person to person not expecting the crowd he sees. The wheelbarrow tips to one side as a few darkened bones fall to the floor -- he slowly begins to back out of the room. Dorus rushes forward. Pulling a long stake from his waistband -- a stake with the deity Eldath carved in its handle. Dorus picks up the kicking and terrified creature with his trunk. Grabbing one side of its head with his hand he buries the stake deep into the opposite side. Blood spurts from the wound as one of its eyes rolls uncontrollably back into its skull. The words the creature speaks are carbled and muddled, but it still lives. Dorus then takes the creature and bashes it into the floor. Bones audibly break with impact. As the creature tries to crawl away Dorus produces his large damaged hammer and crushes its skull. Dark blood puddles under the corpse. 

The rest of the group stand in awe wanting to not believe what they just witnessed. As Dorus stands above his unarmed victim, his breath slows, from the Eldath bangle around his forearm two leaves wither and die and fall to the floor. 

Dorus tells the group they must move forward. He orders the vampire to die today and they will save Torin. Three small children cower in the corner. 

Doing their best to shake off the horrendous sight they focus on their task. Not knowing exactly where the vampire or Torin are located Mokon has a stroke of genius. He could locate Torin, well, he could locate an item Torin has. The group remembers the panther figurine that Dorus had gifted to Torin. Mokon concentrates trying to locate the panther figure. Within moments Mokon's eyes look almost straight upward. He points and lets the group know that Torin is above them.

Fay offers to scout ahead. Alora pulls a single patch from her patchwork cloud and sticks it to Fay. Fay fades from sight. She tells the group she let them know what she finds.

Mokon absolutely sure a soul coin can’t be very hard to create and not wanted to waste this opportunity, pulls a single gold coin from his pack. He walks up to the purple mound of flesh and blood, waves the coin over the corpse a few times, and put the newly created “soul” coin in his pocket. One down, six to go.

Fay scouts ahead. Her gut says to go left… so she does, bypassing many other doors in the process. She happens along a giant furnace with partially burned bones scattered across the floor. Putting two and two together she assumes it is the work of the Bogone lookalike. She moves forward finding a steep set of stars going upward that curve at the top. She rushes back to her friends to relay the news. Gathering the group they ascend the dungeon stairs. Alora is sure to bring the three small children to make sure they stay safe.

As they approach the top light pours into the stairwell. Fay offers, while still invisible, to scout ahead yet again. The group agrees. As she exits the stairwell she steps into a room very dissimilar to the dungeon she just left. The space feels lived in. A lush carpet covers the stone floors and curtains cover windows. A quick look around tells Fay it is safe and she gestures for her friends to follow. Two large wooden doors are at one end of the room. Alora believes the children would do best if they were free of this place. She opens the door to a world that does not feel like the one they were in before they entered the mirror nor does it feel like Kloci’s ruins, this place is different. Colors are dampened. Even though it is daytime, she believes, the sun is dim and casts little light. A stagnant lake stands before her. On its far shores she can see thin skin colored creatures with long claws -- similar to the ones they saw at Milbin’s. They are not on the material plane (“real world”) anymore. They are somewhere else. She shuts the door quickly -- the children will come with them.

The group begins to explore. The first item of note is a large fanged serpent statue. They instantly recognize the statue as it seems to be similar to the fanged serpent that hung over Malaak’s cauldron -- strange. Across the room, in a small gated room Fay notices a strange opening that appears to be covered by some sort of field making the contents of the room difficult to focus upon -- although it does appear there is some sort of small colorless girl behind the field. As she begins to step into the room she notices a horned wall mounted demon’s head -- the eyes begin to glow green. She instantly recognizes it to be some sort of trap. She tells the group to be cautious and person within. Higher up the group can see the top of a mirror, a book on a pedestal, a second set of stairs that go up to a third floor, and a balcony that wraps around a second story. In the middle of the ceiling an opening that goes up maybe 5 more stories -- this is a tower of some sort. The group ascends the next set of stairs. Once upon the balcony they see another alcove that could not be seen from the ground floor. This one has a strange book on a desk -- the contents are unrecognizable. On the top of the desk rests a strange scepter made of human bones. Behind them a shelf with strange vials with even stranger liquids. The group opts to leave everything as is for now. The group heads to the next set of stairs that go up. As they approach the stairs a small purple man descends. Fay, still invisible, tucks herself away close by, the others hide on the opposite side of the room behind the balcony’s railing. Instantly the group recognizes it looks like Dorus’ victim from the basement, but this one is even better known. It is Bogone from Huther’s lab. Bogone does not notice the intruders and begins to hum and sweep the floor. Dorus’ short fuse has burned and he approaches the sweeping servant. (Dorus was not with the party when they destroyed Huther, he has no idea the group knows Bogone.) Dorus orders the servant to tell them where the vampire is located. Unphased the servant looks up and says,”I don’t have to tell you anything. Get out of my way. I’m heading down to see my brother. Then I’ll be letting THEM know you are here.” The group quickly intervenes as they do not want a repeat with what happened in the dungeon. Mokon, being a by-mistake-genius, steps in and offers Bogone a soul coin for his discretion and his knowledge. “What’s a soilcoin?,” Bogone asks. Mokon explains EXACTLY what a soul coin is with is limited knowledge of well… many things, but specifically his EXTREMELY limited knowledge of soul coins. Bogone, being more of a doer than a thinker, accepts Mokons offer. “The vampire is at the top. The boy is on floor up. Careful of the weird bug guy. Thanks for the coin, and BYE!” Bogone pushes past the group mumbling something about his brother and disappears down the stairs. The group has mixed feelings on the idea they just bought information from a guy whose brother they just murdered with the murdered brother's soul. They move on, but not before Mokon has an idea. Knowing there is a blocked room and potentially a trap directly below them where a girl sits motionless, maybe they could go down instead of through. He pulls up an area rug directly above the room in question. The floor stones seem… normal here… good to know. Mokon replaced the rug and tucks away the knowledge.

Fay heads up first, yet again as she is still very much invisible. At the top of this set of stairs she enters a very unorganized bedroom. Two small boys that look almost identical playing and laughing in the corner. She hears one speak. “That isn’t how you do that. You have to go over here. Hahaha. You are such a cheater.” She knows that voice… she knows that boy. It is Torin, but why are there two of him? She yells his name. Both boys turn to face her voice. One boy yelps,” Fay is that you?” The other boy’s stands, his body begins to change, all facial features melt away, limbs begin to elongate and lose color, his body grows taller until, for an instant, there is just a tall, lanky, grayish husk. Then, its body begins to grow even larger and hair begins to sprout from all over, until standing 20 feet in front of Fay is a hulking bugbear. It growls menacingly in Fay’s direction. “Echo, calm down. It’s just Fay, she is my friend.” Torin grabs the large creature by its massive arm. “Fay, I can’t see you. Is that really you.” Fay explains she is invisible for safety, but they are here to help him. Fay calls for her friends. As everyone enters the room Echo stays on guard, but with Torin’s excitement and happiness he allows the interaction. Torin begins to explain that he was trapped here, but Echo is protecting him and they are friends. Echo watches in silence until he is approached at which point his form shifts again from bugbear to heavily tattooed dwarf. The dwarf wears leather pants, but instead of a shirt he only wears leather suspenders. A brightly colored mohawk goes down the center of his head and a long bear hangs from his jaw. Alora asks him who he is. Echo answers articulately and precisely.  “My name is Echo, but I’ve gone by many names -- Dorian Tharn, Rayloth Taleweaver, and Rudrin Mangro, to name a few, but you know me by the name Varro.” The group's eyes collectively squint trying to put a face with that name. “We met at Cottonmouth’s years ago where you sold me some of your wares.” Instantly the group remember Varro and how he had purchased unknown potions and vials of blood, a bracer of pain, Huther’s misshapen skull, and a brain found in Huther’s lab, but most definitely not Alora’s stupid drawings and even stupider horns. The group begins to ask him about Torin, the vampire, the child on the first floor behind the barrier, and why he is here -- a multitude of questions. “I am bound to protect Torin and I will do so with my life. I am, for lack of a better term, indentured to do so -- I have no choice and I do not fully understand why. When I am close to Torin I seem to be more clear, but when I am further away, well, I am not myself. Above us, the vampire and a hideous insectoid creature. Do not trifle with either, they are incredibly dangerous. The husk below is some sort of repository for souls. I do not know how it works or why it is there.” 

Three children cower quietly behind our heroes, almost forgotten by the group. The children are asked to stay here with Echo and Torin while some unfinished business involving a vampire is completed. Dorus, perhaps to keep Torin or his own hopes high, asks Torin to show off his spellcasting ability once again. Torin is very excited to comply. Closing his eyes he focuses on casting magic. Nothing in particular… just a cast of general magic. Torin disappears from sight instantly reappearing 15 feet away on top of a broken down bed. “Yep, there’s just a little taste of what Spellslinger can do.” A wide smile grows across his face.

Upward they move around a spiraling staircase once more.

As they turn into the 4th floor, repugnant odors assault their noses -- chemicals and the sickly sweet smell of death. Bottles, bowls, vials, scrolls, and books completely cover long tables, shelves, and floor. Two large vats are located at the far end of the room. In one, a thick red bubbling fluid -- chunks of fleshy pink float aimlessly within. In the other, floating in a bile-green fluid, a large humanoid. All in the group, save Dorus recognize the large half-orc -- Nordrum, Mokon’s brother. Nordrum arm twitches as he floats in the oversized tube. Attending to various concoctions and mumbling incoherently, a grotesque creature that’s surface crawles with insects, roots, and flesh. Long limbs spastically grab items from distant locations to mix concoctions of unknown purpose. It does not hear the group enter. It also does not hear the group discuss sneaking forward for strategic advantage. It does, however, hear the clanging of armor within seconds of implementing the plan. The creature pauses, then it turns.

“Oh. Hello, friends. I wondered when I would see you again.”

That voice stings your mind. A voice that is different, but familiar. A voice that can never be forgotten -- Huther!