The Story So Far

S5: Has Anyone Seen Mudd?

Written by The Author | Jan 20, 2024 4:09:42 PM

Glug lies shackled and semi-conscious in a puddle of his own lifeblood. Nom stands alone in a dark cavern calming a vengeful rage. Mokon is wondering what the fuss is about and why everyone is fighting. Alora is bottling up her frustration with the entire situation. And Fey, is staring blankly at a wall with symptoms of a head cold. This is where we begin. 

An expired goodberry is all Glug needs to get back on his feet. Once upright he is sternly hauled backwards (not entirely against his will) into a dank cavern by a much more mellow Nom. After a short powwow (roleplaying two original characters named Robin and Nick over imagined drinks and costumes) the two come to a mutually beneficial, if not Glug unwanted, agreement and return to the party. They find Alora and Mokon questioning a “strange” wall and out-of-sight growling. After a short discussion the party opts to discover the source of the noise finding a familial wolf pack. With puppies to be had an hour-long struggle to obtain cuddliness ensues. Luckily for the wolves, blood shed was avoided albeit with one less mouth to feed. And a new two hour wolf-pup retrieval/adoption struggle begins. 

Finding an opportunity to sprint forward for canine dominance -- Glug finds himself literally over his head in a salty brine. Nom takes Glugs unluckiness as an opportunity for success wrangling the pup into her grasp. Alora and Mokon eventually save the dwarf’s bacon as Nom watches closeby, cuteness in hand. Discussions/arguments were had swapping the topic of a sword for that of a small ball of fur. 

An over confident Nom rejoins the party, but not before a slip, a slam, and a broken puppy tail. (I mean, she really beat the living shit out of that poor defenseless puppy… for no reason at all. I applaud her unique taming tactics.) Quick low-level healing and the pup is almost as good as new. (I mean do mental scars really ever heal?)

Now that the group has that out of their system they decide to pursue things of “greater” importance. What’s up with this wall? Investigation by Alora and Glug, and a slight concussion for Mokon reveal the wall has something to say, revealing truths about certain questions asked. How interesting! Ten questions were asked before the wall goes dormant. During which time Glug finds himself breaking chests, opening packs, getting saved (again) by Alora and Nom, and taking his “fair” share of the loot -- not in that particular order.

Some time later the group decides to move on with quests at hand -- to find Dirt’s S.A.W.

Mudd rears his stupid little head again, this time showing his approval of the team’s fighting prowess and in turn, showing his… lack of fighting prowess -- blowing up the group’s only exit from the mine with an elderly stick of explosive.

A small cough is heard from Fayette clearly to get attention from the group. Yes, we get it Fey… you have a cold… deal with it… sheesh…

Alora squishes her way through a narrow passage followed by Nom and Mokon. Glug and Fey take up the rear. A deafening roar is heard as an even larger wolf emerges into view. The group regrets their lack of long rest as an epic battle ensues which could have easily ended in TPK (if not for a forgiving and loving DM). Glug’s plan to Saviir-shackle the enormous beast ends in loss as Nom destroys all connections between the wolf’s head and its body due to her sword-induced anger issues, of which she explains to her party with a little prodding from Glug.

Queue a long rest! The party feels much better about themselves and begin to prod a closed door they had noticed prior to their slumber. Mudd’s voice stirs a mother’s love as she quickly works to remove the debris from the barricaded door.

Mudd! Mom! BOOM! Blood! Guts! Eyes! Intestines! Necklace-embedded-wall! You get it…

Once the group digests what just happened. They decide to create a new exit from the now collapsed entrance… and scene! 

Welcome to level 3!