The Story So Far

S8: The Smell of Flowers

Written by The Author | Jan 20, 2024 4:25:27 PM

We find our intrepid adventurers mid-battle with only a few brigands left to dispatch. The lesser brigands bring very little challenge and, thanks to Glug’s less-than-perfect aim, the group can now attest that male wizards (even of the flying variety) do not fare well without their genitalia. Although once detached, the “member” brings a plethora of comedic value albeit slightly less combat value. Once left alone the brigand leader is easily removed from the world of the living.

Alora decides a post-battle-home-search is in order to find a touching painting of the past featuring a younger and happier Delores (Gruddy) and Ortimer. The rest of the group keeps their search outside finding a spattering of useful items less useful carcasses.

Glug, in order to make sure his things ain’t taken proceeds to adorn any jewelry he has which includes three necklaces and a ring. Ring and necklace one are for bling, closed locked (from the merchant) produces a minor stinging feeling, and Ortimer’s pendant sends Glug a feeling of panic and the words “Help Me!” from a clearly distressed Gruddy.

Some would find this message disturbing and (dare I say it) dire. Not this group -- this group of heroes… takes a bath. I mean… in their defense Gruddy is pretty old… and cursed… and smells, so she probably deserves whatever is happening to her right… yeah… that makes ME feel better anyway… 

Now the giggling commences… mostly from Glug as the group (minus Mokon) opts to get naked and splash in a knee-deep brook assuming there absolutely, positively, emphatically could not possibly be anything of danger nearby after a hearty battle… 

… they were wrong.

Mokon, while practicing his best giant memes meets a hulking hooded figure face to face. After a pulled-gut-punch, he/she/them/it turns and heads toward the party who are still very much naked (and lower AC’d) -- seemingly uninterested in causing harm to Mokon. Nom and Alora have collected a modicum of their equipment and approached the aforementioned guest. (Glug notices very little as he is still giggling and staring wide-eyed at a very nude Fey.)

Alora takes a turn to unveil their newest foe to find an amalgamation of flesh, bone, and metal. Mokon tries to help by holding the creature fast -- noticing an enticing and familiar forearm symbol that he can’t quite place. Fey believes a little cauterization is in order - letting fly multiple fire bolts. Nom continues to hone her sword-spear and sword-spear-retrieval skills. And Glug… Glug is still giggling manically in the brook - no not really - he is doing the magic… after getting the wind knocked into him from an ill-placed thunder wave from Alora. Other than that it was really a series of unconscious Noms, nudity, and disappointment. (The DM is very happy -- almost elated.)

The battle is ended prematurely when Alora magically creates a stone wall to avert the enemy’s gaze while Glug places an illusory bag over its head giving Fey just enough time to clasp the manacles around its wrists. Once the illusion fades the creature seems to have gone into a dormant state… just swaying and staring into the distance.

Mokon now recognizes the forearm tattoo… his brother, Nordrum, had the EXACT same tattoo.