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The Story So Far

Grimshackle is a place nobody chooses to go. It is a place forced upon them. This is an ongoing story about the lands of Grimshackle and the unfortunate souls who have been forced to survive within.

S60: The Great Horn Heist

The ground erupts with teeth directly under Krom. A muscular purple tongue wraps around his leg, holding him close as the maw bites down. Krom growls in pain and retaliates with a swing of his...

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S59: Little Time to Mourn

The night is quiet for all except Dorus. Dark dreams ebb and flow through the loxodon’s mind as he slumbers until he wakes with an insatiable hunger. He can hear the heartbeats of his party. He can...

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S58: Therack Raised

Dorus, Nom, and Fay rush into the Recompense House (the main building in Theracks law enforcement barracks) quietly closing the door behind them. They move forward hoping to develop a plan to free...

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S57: Huther’s SideKick Dorus

Alora continues to search Huther’s lab for vials of silver liquid, turning over boxes of vials of unknown origin, pages of strange text, and strange reagents. Fay’s gigantic T-rex form, Nom, and...

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S56: Alora Reborn: A Pre-Teen Story

Alora eyes open in a dank and dark dungeon. The smell of iron lingers heavy in the air. Where is she? As she begins to stir, her clothes feel heavy and large. Why are her clothes not her own, and why...

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S55: Aspects of the Past

A freakish version of Huther stands before you with barely having a semblance to a man. Roots and worms wriggle in and out of his body, as bugs crawl over moss and thorn covered hide. It seems...

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S54: The Search for Dorus

Dorus finds himself frustrated, trapped and exhausted. The rest of the group struggles with next moves. A few think the druidic grove is a good place to start, others are not as sure. Alora, being...

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S53: The Abduction of Dorus

The SOP are victorious against a vegetative foe in a battle that could have easily been avoided. Mokon is still blind. Nom is barely conscious. Alora and Fay are mostly unscathed. The crew moves...

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S52: Now THAT’S A Red Diamond

After a grueling battle in volcanic heat the SOP enjoy a much-needed break. Alora, Nom, and Fay finish the refreshing dip in the sea. Mokon stands close by listening blindly. Dorus stands in the...

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S51: That’s SOOOO Nom’resh

Nom’resh lurks somewhere beneath the magma waiting to strike. Dorus positions himself on the edge of a stone ledge beside a gigantic fire elemental in wait. Fay’s bow is drawn and ready. Alora orders...

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