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S30: A Short Refresher on Real Dick Moves

As our group leaves the Flounderweasel mansion, Jivers appears once more with a new brooch of elevated status and the offer of a semi-permanent room in the mansion -- as long as they remain employed. Jivers also mentions the unused study space will need to be converted to a more suitable bedroom quarter. Alora, interested in her new room, leads the group to the second floor. The aforementioned space is located directly off Mayor Flounderweasel’s bedroom to keep his security detail close in the case of an emergency. Also connected to the mayor’s room is a large walk-in-closet and an elegant great bathroom. 

Alora, having downtime for the first time in what seems like ages, decides to see what her mimic Chester can do. She asks him to try on a few different shapes. The first being a shrub, the second being a large and awkward harp. Neither of which suits the adorable mimic.

During the perusal of the second floor Fey notices there aren’t enough rooms on the second floor to make up for the overall size of the second floor -- a secret room is surely close by. Nom and Fey team-up to find an answer. Just then Jivers approaches Alora asking her to be careful as her face is on many wanted posters throughout town. Alora has mixed feelings about Jivers having this knowledge.

Continuing to expertly survey the situation, Nom and Fey determine the appropriate area for a potential secret room. And Nom finds that with a quick turn of an ornamental hourglass a secret room is revealed, which in turn, reveals an enormously thick metal door. Fey determines the dual-lock mechanism is unpickable and keys must be found. Dorus wants nothing to do with this unsavory act and opts to wait downstairs while Alora finds the perfect shape for Chester is that of a large six legged chair. 

As Mokon stands ready at the top of the stairs Nom and Fey hear Jivers approaching. Fey quickly closes the door and begins to laugh hoping to lead Jivers away from their less than honest plans. Jivers loves a good joke and hopes to have a little fun himself… until Nom turns the joke menstrual which in turn turns Jivers stomach as he abruptly leaves the situation. 

Leaving the mansion (for real) this time the crew walks through a large marketplace with almost any goods one could imagine. Nom and Fey take time for a quick cooked Salad, Alora buys the most exquisite golden dress she has ever seen, and Fey has some form fitting purple “Spanks” on order. The crew does notice there are no magic items, weapons, or armor available in the marketplace.

Taking a short pause the group decides to reach out to Jebediah Crumm as he had requested. Upon doing so, the crew hears Jeb and Euk with some assumably typical banter along with confusion about where the voice (your voice) is coming from. Eventually, Jeb answers the call explaining that there is something peculiar that he believes they should see. Jeb clears up any confusion by saying, “I’m uncertain if this is a come right away sort of thing or a take your time, but not too much time sort of thing.” He also lets the group know that Euk will fly over to the Therack crossroads to meet them when everyone is ready.

Moving on Dorus leads his new group to his home base at Honor’s Weapon shop stopping only briefly to talk to a couple local guards (primarily about Dorus’ relationship with one of their moms) and explaining to Alora that he did indeed have opposable thumbs.

As the group approaches Honor’s weapon shop they hear the telltale banging of hammer and metal. Back-to stands a broad shouldered, slender man, the faint outline of a salt-and-pepper beard and slightly pointed ears reflect the red glow of the forge. Sweat drips from the man’s unclothed and muscular torso. Alora’s legs weaken as she sucks up a small bit of drool puddling in the corner of her mouth.

“Dorus, is that you?” The man never turns as he continues to bang, bang, bang the steel with his large hammer. With each clang Alora’s legs warble. “Son, could you help me finish up our last order? An extra suit of armor was ordered.” Dorus dutifully agrees. Alora, trying to maintain her composure, begins to introduce herself. Unaware anyone else was with Dorus, Ton turns to greet the group. A dark-leather eyepatched covers Ton’s left eye as his striking blue right darts from one party member to the next. As he approaches the group Dorus begins to introduce his new friends. Alora makes an unsuccessful pass at the man of her dreams as his eyes lock on Fey as if he sees a ghost. As Dorus introduces Fey, Ton’s eyes widen. Ton goes quiet for what seems like minutes. He then begins to circle Fey, “It can’t be”. Just then Fey notices a familiar sweet smell of her home village. Ton then embraces Fey and she instantly knows this is Ghaston, the best friend she thought she had lost. The two hold one another as tears fall from their eyes. Fey and Ghaston begin to ask question after question after question. Why is Ton 200 years older than he was just three months ago? How did Ton get here? What happened? Ton offers his services and materials to the group as best he can, offering specialty armor for each from what he has available as armor takes a long time to build. As the crew talks with Ton his hand and eyes rarely leave Fey as if he is afraid to let go. As the group talks Ton asks Dorus to check on Malaak, the leader of the Druids who honor Eldath. He mentions she was acting a little strange and then disappeared. Dorus accepts the task.

Fey and Ton talk well into the night trying to piece their lives together. Dorus diligently works on backorder to help his adopted father and mentor. Alora, Nom, and Mokon decide it’s as good a time as any to party at Rizbig’s Tavern.

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