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S31: Old Friends

We begin our story with tears. Tears of sadness. Tears of confusion. Tears of rejection. Alora dramatically slumps over the (slightly damp with spilled ale) bar of Rizbig’s Tavern. Beside her rests (and somewhat disinterested in her “problems”) Mokon soaks in the atmosphere. Nom sits alone at a corner table listening and watching. Nom’s ears perk as she hears local stories of the murder’s currently plaguing Therack -- mixed and conflicting stories of bone masks and victims. She stands and begins to walk hoping for a new vantage point. Instead, she is gruffly asked to partake in a game chance called Slaps and is handed four pyramid-shaped knuckle bones. The goal… get the best roll called Slaps -- four ones. Four people sit at the gambling table including Nom. As the night grows late Nom is found victorious with a crowd of patrons cheering her name not only for the grand games she won, but for the free round of drinks she buys for the bar. (Nom also doesn’t have to find out what effect the random vial of green liquid she stole from Huther would have on a local shop owner.) 

The Tavern’s owner, Rizbig, calls Nom to the bar. A loudly sobbing elf and her half-orc wingman force Nom to move the conversation significantly down the bar. He begins by telling of the murder’s in Therack and how, he himself, believes to have heard a faint metallic *shing* before rounding the corner of an alleyway to find one of the unfortunate victims. “Bartenders hear lots of stories and you too can hear these stories… for a price.” After a short, and successful, barter session (and final cost of 65 gold) Nom receives three gifts for her contribution. The first, a story of small children who live under the city. Rizbig mentions he often leaves food on the back stoop, which is always gone by morning. Gift two, the rumor of hoarded wealth pilfered from the townsfolk of Therack over many years and hidden away by their own beloved Mayor Flounderweasel. Gift three, a tattered map said to lead to a wondrous treasure. This map was received by Rizbig on a hot night at a cold Slaps table from a pirate captain passing through town. Rizbig would have gone to find the treasure himself, but advanced years and a bum leg didn’t allow for the adventure, but any loot found and shared with the humble barkeep would be much appreciated. 

As Nom continues to drink her ale of unknown origin she feels Rizbig’s hand on her arm. As one last rumor (or in this case advice) Rizbig mentions that Alora may have been made (as her makeover has not held up well in her drunken and crying state). Nom thanks the barkeep, Vulcan death grips Alora into an unconscious state and hoists the snoring bard over her shoulder, and leaves the bar with Mokon in tow. Once outside she is greeted by nine town guards saying they had word a murderer was obnoxiously drinking at Rizbigs. Nom isn’t about to let her friend get taken into custody so in true Nom fashion states she kills too. The guard captain is a bit taken back by the comment. Unsure if he should bring in both Nom and Alora at this point he stumbles over words until Nom (with the help of a brooding Mokon) “convinces” the town guard to let Nom bring in Alora within the next two hours -- they fearfully agree and disperse talking amongst themselves and questioning their captain’s resolve.

Nom, having zero plan of bringing in her favorite lute player, proceeds to go directly to Honor’s weapon shop where she finds a drunk Ton and Fey laughing and catching up while a sweating and hard-working Dorus continues to mold metal to his will. After a brief catch up amongst those still conscious. The group decides to get a good night's sleep. Mokon and Alora in Ton’s quarters, Fey, Dorus, and Nom in the shop, and Ton is a pile of hay under the stars. The crew had barely fallen asleep when Nom hears a *shing* outside… followed by another. Nom wakes Dorus who has no interest in someone lurking around his shop. The two pursue the noisy passerby. They follow the metallic noise and culprit catching only a glimpse of clothing around each alleyway corner, no matter how quickly they pursue. Dorus sniffs the air -- is that a faint smell of sulfur? Eventually Nom and Dorus corner the individual as he stands motionless save his right hand flicking a metallic coin into the air. The two bark orders for the suspect to reveal himself -- he does not. They move closer. Nom reaches out her hand blocking the only means of escape with a thick growth of thorns. Dorus readies his hammer. Dorus barks orders again -- again no response -- only the metallic *shing* of a coin. Dorus quickly grabs for the coin, but the cloaked figure is too fast, circumventing Dorus’ attempt and revealing a white shimmer of ivory bone. The figure makes one list flip of his coin, this time slamming the result into the back of his other hand. With a guttural growl the cloaked individual disappears without a trace.

Nom and Dorus make their way back to Honor’s Shop for a much needed rest convinced they had convinced the cloaked figure to move along.

The bustling city along with Ton’s diligent work ethic wakes the group (Alora and Mokon who are sleeping off the previous night take a bit longer than the others). Nom is worried that Alora will be taken by the authorities as Nom did not fulfill her promise to drop Alora off at Groc’s Recompense House within the allotted two hour period. Ton, being good friends with Groc, tells her he’ll take care of it during his afternoon break and not to worry. The group feels this is a little too easy double and triple-checking this simple chat between two friends would clear Alora’s name -- Ton assures them this is fine and he would indeed clear up the misunderstanding.  Ton is additionally asked to melt down their Huther-stolen golden nuggets. Ton agrees to this request with the idea to cast the gold into rivets -- approximate coin weight albeit not traditional coin shape. 

The plan is to visit Luscious, grab Fey’s new purple spanx, and meet Jeb at the crossroads -- not in that particular order. A quick trip to the Residential District gets Fey her sweet form-fitting purple spandex first (Dorus approves). 

The group proceeds forward to the crossroads where they find the abandoned shop of their young friend Torin, but no sign of Jeb or Euk. Alora calls a confused Jeb who sends Euk post haste which will take between 20 and 30 shakes of a lamb's tail. While a few of the group wait to see how long it takes for a lamb to shake its tail, a few decide to check up on their two wyrmlings (or dragonlings depending on your school of thought) they had left days ago before entering the town even though all had the feeling it would be to no avail -- it was -- zero avails. When the group reconnects at the crossroads a small winged Euk is there waiting getting his belly (amongst other things) feverishly rubbed by Alora. Once the heavy petting was complete Euk hops up and begins to walk. Fey, assuming all donkeys love a good old fashioned riding, hops on Euk’s back and is quickly bucked off. Euk then, in an instant, transforms into a small, hairless, brown and red winged creature clearly vocalizing he is not one to be ridden. Some sarcastic banter later the crew begins to follow the new and “improved” Euk into the forest. During the walk Euk chats up Dorus as if they are old friends (cause they are… kinda) and Nom throws a rock at Euk which he thinks is Alora… it’s a whole thing. 

Eventually the BOP reach their destination after trudging through thick wooded growth and thin hidden chasms. Standing in front of a 20 foot radius undulating gelatinous bubble is Jebediah in his typically confused state. Jeb finds this “Bout as peculiar as my Meemaw’s left testical - gods rest her soul”.  Jeb explains he and Euk have been watching this bubble for a couple days and the beings inside are definitely not moving. Upon closer inspection the group realize the beings inside are a downed Torin and some sort of vine creature poised to attack -- both seemingly frozen in time. Around the bubble are a plethora of random items such as truckles of cheese, huge flowers, burning rubble, a piano, strange mushrooms, and a quaint tent housing some of Torin’s belongings with a bonfire. Distrustful of this arcane bubble the group tests its boundaries with various members cautiously (and with ropes) entering and exiting the bubble, dagger tosses, magical lanterns, and theories. For all intents and purposes the bubble seems to pause time with those entering feeling as though they never had -- curious indeed. During the test Dorus continually insists they all just need to go in to save Torin. Eventually the group trusts Jeb to pull them out if things go awry and enter the bubble. As they do the bubble expands engulfing all party members including Jeb and Euk. Light outside the bubble begins to flash as do colors change. Inside the sound is muffled as though they are underwater. Movement seems to be normal as does breathing. Nom runs into the back of Dorus knocking him forward into the vine creature changing his focus from Torin to Dorus. Torin lays on the ground purple faced and feet encased in a solid, partially transparent yellow ooze unable to escape. Then things get a little weird, waves of water, wind, fog, and snow crash down on the group at different times. A flock of birds rush Dorus. A tree falls into the bubble. Random creatures such as sharks, giant bugs, bears, a saddled bird (who Fey instantly grabs), and a corpse fall through the dome of the bubble. Jeb creates some art with the approval of Euk. A traveler whistles his way in and out of the bubble. A very handsome man stumbles into the bubble narrowly avoiding a huge lizard's bite which instead crushes the giant bug. As the gorgeous human runs through the bubble exiting the other side he politely greets the team as the giant lizard steps on the bear killing it instantly as he follows the model-material man. A barrage of arrows splinter on Dorus from outside the bubble walls. Three large bugbear enter, calling out Nom, one of whom she recognizes from an earlier rage-fueled chase. MVP Jeb frees Torin with a genius stroke of cold and Dorus steel. Almost instantly the bugbear are struck down by Lord Kruss himself who is infuriated that the team has failed attacking Nom -- sundering her in two. The insanity finally comes to a close when a beautiful, thin, black haired, white skinned woman enters the bubble. “Lord Kruss, what have I told you about killing the help.” Lord Kruss is unable to move. She then looks down at Nom telling Kruss to put her together where she proceeds to make Nom whole. Then, reaching wide then pulling her hands together, the bubble shrinks to fit in her hands returning the world to its pre-bubble state. She crushes the bubble in her hands with a simple *pop*. The team stares in amazement as she then evaporates the giant shark trapped behind the boulders. The team begins to ask questions. She states that she is known to some as the Black Pearl and that she is here to help them succeed. She proceeds to focus on Torin saying the small wizard Milbin could use his “power”. Nom takes a risk to ask the Pearl to remove the curse on her sword. The Pearl asks if she is sure as this sword holds much power in its current state. Nom agrees, although not physically able to release the sword. With a sigh and some reluctance, the slender woman touches Nom’s sword with her right hand pulling a black chomping shadow from within the sword with the left. She then asks Lord Kruss if he would like it -- to add to his collection. Still upset at his public disciplining, Kruss grumpily refuses. The Pearl begins to pull the shadow demon apart, dissipating and banishing it to Avernus. The Black Pearl also tells the group she has been looking for them for more than two and half years. Nom dares to ask yet another favor as she waves her arm nub in the air. The strong woman politely glares at Nom denying her request and then disappears into the air.

The BOP now stand amongst the wreckage of time two and half years later than they entered with more questions than answers. A young Torin asks to not be kidnapped from his father. An old Jeb sketches as a flying red Euk points out details of the encounter seemingly unaffected by the transpired event.

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