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S4: So… Does Anyone Remember/Care Where We Left Glug?

Pillory ain’t so bad! Ummmm, yeah it is... Although, Nom and Mokon do find some of the local amenities quite “satisfying” opting to stay in for dinner and a show with Gruddy (in their defense Gruddy is quite skilled in her craft weighing in at a solid 38 pounds at the ripe old age of 153 who could blame them) instead of venturing out to find Glug… who was left high in a tree… by himself… in the dangerous woods… comatose… but I digress. 

Alora and Fayette decide to leave the halfling’s tent for a different type of adventure, or at least to stop into the local bar to drop off some venison, hang out with Dirt Trogg, Jr. Jr. Jr. Sr., and maybe eat his pick… a pickle… eat a pickle. Dirt is all too happy to shoot the proverbial shit with the two young ladies (while the local fisherman savor the much-needed eye candy of the primarily male township). Dirt thanks Alora and Fey for the meat instead of fish option for tonight’s menu and then asks for a little help with the local salt mine of which his boy, Mudd, could help navigate… And, if they can find his S.A.W. in the process that wouldn’t be too bad either. Eagerly the two scoop up the quest. Dirt finally “insists” they had more party members and “maybe” they should go get them… specifically the male wizard he had never seen, but assumed was in the party and who was probably getting fairly bored hanging out in the upstairs living room… *er*… tree. Ahem. 

Alora and Fey get the hint heading back to the woods for Glug, momentarily wondering if Nom and Mokon would like to come up for air. Upon hearing the gutteral noises coming from within Gruddy’s tent the two reconsider. 

Moments later, the two find a heap of blind, injured, and confused Glug on the ground… complete with a dead snake by his side. Curious of where his sword had gone, he asked, and a to-die-by vendetta was created. Alora thought now would be a good time to summon Mudd for aid… she did… he agreed… and the clumsy/slightly annoying Mudd made his exit. 

Glug was chaperoned back to Gruddy’s tent where the vendetta went live -- after three holes in Gruddy’s tent, a Nom not wanting to kill Glug, a Glug trying to kill Nom, an Alora trying to stop Glug, and an overweight-familiar-Turkey-for-eyes-in-lieu-of-fightling-in-town-verbal-contract later, the vendetta was paused until a geographically out-of-town location was reached. All the while Mokon waited for his happy ending… happily naked… happily in Gruddy’s bed while  Fayette, finding the whole ordeal “not her thing”, leaves to explore the local establishments and finds a few new BFF’s in the process. 

The crew (sans Nom and Mokon) decide to visit these new besties with a Glug/Fayette illusory plan to win some coin. It worked, as Venom-Poison, Serrated Fang, Break Wind Viper, Snake Biceps, and the lesser worms were flabbergasted by the charade. Alora did not find these folk trustworthy in the least, throwing eye daggers, word daggers, and would have thrown actual daggers (if she would have had any to spare close by). Snake-Venom, being a gentlemanly entrepreneur of sorts, offered Fayette a legit business opportunity with great growth potential to deliver a not-to-be-investigated bag o’ stuff to the next town for 50 gold -- she soooo accepted -- Alora is not pleased.

The potential drug mules (or not) leave to meet up at Dirt Trogg’s GSFSWHBB&DATM for a little fine dining and bottom-of-the-barrel pickle liquor (rolls off the tongue doesn’t it). Fayette indulges and is then helped to their sleeping quarters in a nearby house/barn as they meet up with the bowlegged and literally dirty duo Mokon and Nom. Sleeping like babies, the crew wakes up refreshed. And Glug keeping his contracted promise of no fighting tries to take back his sword by stealth instead of violence to no avail as Nom’s catlike reflexes kick in for the win.

Back to the bar for some deer meat in pickle breakfast the group fills their bellies, find Mudd “The Navigator” Trogg, and head to the out-of-town-limits salt mine, which is totes blown up. Mudd knows another way in, once they play a little game where he shows that it was an old-ass-piece-of-dripping-with-death-piece-of-dynamite AND he was happy to see them. A few stumble trips later Mudd shows them a wolf-rich passage into the back of the mine where the party quickly dispatches three large wolves, claiming on for the great Saviir. Glug (knowing he is out of city limits) tries to dislodge Nom from his sword, but soon realizes he underestimated Nom’s constitution and deep connection with her sword and proceeds to get pummeled with a pommel… and stabbed... Glug was definitely stabbed… a couple of times… and then manacled for safekeeping.

We now find our group in a salt mine, fairly depleted of spells, and “meh” on good feels.

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