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S69.69: How To Beat Down A Goddess

After a long and grueling fight with the Black Pearl, the Saviors of Grimshackle walk away victorious. The Black Pearl banished back to her celestial home by none other than Alora’s mighty steed Merrylegs. Of course, Benny had a significant role in the victory with gifts aplenty for the party. Power claws to Krom, Pain Siphon for Mokon, Groovy Speed Skates for Dorus, Alejandro’s mechanical upgrade and brain sync for Nom, and a pegasus-modeled wing harness for Merrylegs for Alora. 

As the group takes a much-needed rest. Alora and Merrylegs notice two figures approaching in the distance. The group prepares. Two small gnomes exit the forest -- a male and a female. They look familiar. The male speaks,”Who are you? What are you doing here?” The voice is instantly recognizable, the body, however, is much too young to be Milbin. And the female, a younger and very much flesh and bone Banli. Milbin explains that he is looking for a source of power, but the signal vanished only moments ago. The group explains that they were sent back in time by a future version of Milbin to stop the rift from being used. Milbin is not convinced. After a much longer and detailed explanation, along with a necklace given by future Milbin for luck, young Milbin is convinced. He will report back to his group about what he has seen and deter them from creating the Grimshackle. 

The SOG breathe a collective sigh of relief. Then concern about their future. They are hundreds of years in the past. Their families and friends have not even been born. What are they to do now?

“You are welcome to come with us back to Baldur’s Gate,” Milbin offers. “Yes, come with us,” Banli adds. With few other options the group follows the Halfwick siblings back to their ship and make their way to the mainland and their future far from… the Grimshackle.

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