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S7: A Gentle Breeze

Goblins are a misunderstood race. Some (Alora, Glug, and Nom) may see them as despicable, scavenging, underhanded little bastards, but to others, they are just Goblins. This particular group seems to be even nicer than other goblin clans, but I digress. 

We find our Nom-absent heroes post bugbear battle. Nom of course has run after a thorny bugbear who, in turn, is chasing a bugbear of the ess-thorny variety to give him a thorough beating. *Not to be confused with a horny bugbear who would be chasing another bugbear for the same reason, but an alternate definition.

The rest of our group is desperately trying to persuade their new green-skinned acquaintances into opening their tower turret, after some hesitation and a promised pickle, Kraghorn unwittingly leaves the turret hatch unattended (confounded with how to give halfsies three ways) which gives Glug and Alora the chance to push they way in. Clepto… (sorry, I mean Glug) is overpowered by the potential of two worn satchels but finds one is filled with only moldy… moldy… something and opts out of red-stained bag two. After a lengthy question-answer session, during which time the Goblins were nothing if not an open book, the party received some bits and pieces of new information, including a man named Gildrit -- still, some of the party was left unimpressed. Mokon and Fey, less interested in discussion, spend some time making a bugbear/cragcat tower and looting accordingly with a mace and some heavily used leather armor being their owly spoils of war. Nom reappears from the forest with a blood-stained sword and a smile worthy of the associated bugbear kill.

The group pitches camp on the ground below.

Fey and Nom’s tummies begin to growl. Nom opens herself up to betrayal and lets Alora watch her baby puppy and then decide to begin Hunting Expedition 2.o, which goes much better than Hunting Expedition 1.0 although Fey easily finds some tracks, but gets a little overly excited at the idea of hunting and it shows. Nom takes a breath, forgets how to use a sword, and spords, swoears, er… throws her sword at a deer… nope… a goat… definitely a goat. The group has goat meat to eat Ok. Fey reasserts herself and tracks down another animal of a less editable nature. Old horses are horses too and although Fey and Nom break its leg with poor planning (not really, poor rolls) Fey mind-melds with the horse and Nom resets and heals her leg. 

During this time the stay-at-home group begins to tan a cragcat hide, chat, and unwind so much so that (an argumentative to the DM) Alora and Glug fail to notice their best green buddies wander off with the pup (Nom betrayal achieved). After a short time of expecting the worse Alora and Glug find the goblins close by happily playing fetch -- they did not approve -- as Glug accusatorily swings and misses as does KragHorn. Mokon takes this opportunity to take an intestine-filled bag promised earlier by the goblin trio -- and in Mokon fashion -- makes do.

Nom and Fey re-enter the camp victorious with goat and horse in hand as Mokon, almost instantly, notices a double circle/triangle brand. Alora tells Nom of the ultimate betrayal of… wait for it… wait for it… playing with a puppy and has to talk Nom off a kill em’ all ledge… barely.

The night is windy, mild, and quiet except for the sounds of an overused and out-of-tune music box and three bright lights circling above that unintentionally soothe their new goblin friends to a night of blissful sleep. 

The party packs up anything of use, including a new Fey and Nom designed goat hide doggie carrying case and make their way in the direction of Ortimer -- successfully choosing to veer right.

The crew finds an abandoned house. Some choose stealth (Fey, Glug, and Nom) others choose a more direct route (Alora and Mokon). Sneaky Group A - Glug finds a “zombified” Ortimer, Fey easily moves a house-crushing downed tree, and Nom forgoes any talky-talky and chops off Orimier’s head revealing a golden locket. Direct Group A - Mokon and Alora enter the quaint cottage finding it more occupied than expected. 

Enter a somewhat unhappy group of brigands…

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