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The Story So Far

Grimshackle is a place nobody chooses to go. It is a place forced upon them. This is an ongoing story about the lands of Grimshackle and the unfortunate souls who have been forced to survive within.

Posts by The Author:

S38: Aren’t Options Fun?

As the Butcher’s OP stand in a foul-smelling cave they make plans to move forward somewhat confused about the alignment of their once-party-member Glug. Could he really use evil for good? Is Glug...

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S37: Glug 2.52

The BOP stand in a pitch black cave with walls, ceilings, and floors of thick black ichor. In front of them, the silhouette of a man kneeling in the center of the space. 

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S36: The Road to Milbin Halfwick

Waking up in Alora’s (crowded) hut the group is refreshed and invigorated to start the next day. As they emerge they see Benny standing unnaturally still in wait. With a whir of his internal...

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S35: The BOP vs. Lord Kruss

As the battle rages on between the Butcher’s of Pillory and Lord Kruss the dark knight is beginning to show signs of wear. Lord Kruss rests on one knee as dark blood drips from open wounds in his...

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S34: Assault for His Own Good

We’re RICH! After selling items of which the team deemed “of little importance” the BOP find themselves rolling in gold and more wealthy than they have been since they were momentarily dragon-piss...

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S33: A Heavy Hearted Hunt

The Butcher’s of Pillory find themselves continuing to search for Ton in Therack. Their next stop -- the Fulcrum Underground. Alora is absolutely certain one of the Disregarded will know where he is...

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S32: The Troubles with Bubbles

As experience would prove, a time dilation bubble is not for the faint of heart -- a maelstrom of whirling sounds, colors, lights, disconnected battles, and strange happenings do not allow for...

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S31: Old Friends

We begin our story with tears. Tears of sadness. Tears of confusion. Tears of rejection. Alora dramatically slumps over the (slightly damp with spilled ale) bar of Rizbig’s Tavern. Beside her rests...

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