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The Story So Far

Grimshackle is a place nobody chooses to go. It is a place forced upon them. This is an ongoing story about the lands of Grimshackle and the unfortunate souls who have been forced to survive within.

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S20: Tezlos A. Dinky

The Atramentous named Butcher’s of Pillory spend a little time clarifying cartographic details previously mentioned by Tezlo. Less than ecstatic about their current label-free, key-free, route-free,...

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S19: Welcome to the Atramentous

The potentially appley named Butcher’s of Pillory (BOP) wake up refreshed; Glug on a bed of dead insects of which he quickly tries to hide, Nom hungry for red bloody meat, Mokon from yet another...

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S18: A Dark Knight

Happily weighted down with nuggets of gold and hoping the next cavern is equipped with kittens, the crew ventures forth. Foregoing stealth for speed Mokon marches forward when Fey pushes past with a...

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S17: A Baker’s Dozen - Tabaxi Addition

Your Tabaxi companion Breeze lays in an unconscious heap at your feet, dark blood soaking her light green tunic. Hatch sadly mumbles his singular phrase as he holds her head, running his hand over...

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S14: Serenity Now

As the group wakes from their much-needed long rest some awaken more refreshed than others -- Alora with a new light-embellished face tattoo and Mokon with a single level of exhaustion. Unsure of...

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S13: Here’s to Making New Friends

Time passes differently here. The crew finds themselves with more questions than answers as they sit in a cold dank cell behind a thick steel door, and beside Gruddy, Cleet, and a man named Gravy....

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S12: Where in the Nine Hells is Nom?

It’s the same old chestnut. Nom is missing, giant insects abound, and our party is lost underground. Glug’s illusory cantrip helps to keep one of the baddies occupied while Mokon takes a walloping as...

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S11: Unforeseen Circumstances

To the second floor -- the group unanimously decides -- and into a den of spiders. Luckily for our heroes, these spiders had not had a steroid shipment in some time and were relatively easy to...

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