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The Story So Far

Grimshackle is a place nobody chooses to go. It is a place forced upon them. This is an ongoing story about the lands of Grimshackle and the unfortunate souls who have been forced to survive within.

S10: A Mansion on a Hill

Our group finds themselves in a once-magnificent, now-abandoned mansion overlooking the sea. The party splits to preview the exterior noticing the second story seems a little worse for wear as the...

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S9: How Important is Time?

A final investigation over our fleshy abomination offers no new clues as a telltale electrical static and purple hue teleports it back to Savi’ir’s pit.

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S8: The Smell of Flowers

We find our intrepid adventurers mid-battle with only a few brigands left to dispatch. The lesser brigands bring very little challenge and, thanks to Glug’s less-than-perfect aim, the group can now...

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S7: A Gentle Breeze

Goblins are a misunderstood race. Some (Alora, Glug, and Nom) may see them as despicable, scavenging, underhanded little bastards, but to others, they are just Goblins. This particular group seems to...

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S6: One Puppy to Rule Them All

Once the dust had cleared from Glug’s: How To Open a Mine in Four Easy Sticks tutorial (get it… instead of steps, I said sticks… ‘cause it took four sticks of dynamite to blow open the mine... you’re...

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S5: Has Anyone Seen Mudd?

Glug lies shackled and semi-conscious in a puddle of his own lifeblood. Nom stands alone in a dark cavern calming a vengeful rage. Mokon is wondering what the fuss is about and why everyone is...

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S2: Water You Doing Later?

Our crew found themselves on a temporary island life raft with a purple storm of lightning portals rages overhead. Mokon was excited to use his construction skills on whatever the seas were kind...

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